February 5, 2022 Saturday at the Movies: Varmint Hunting Video Collection
This custom war wagon transports varmint hunters to the Longmeadow Game Resort in Colorado. Bottom image by Forum member Randful. Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming. Will you be heading to the Varmint Fields this spring? Planning is key to a successful, safe, and satisfying varmint holiday. If possible, bring a variety of rifles. You’ll need to switch off when one barrel gets too hot. The chamber that works best for close shots may not work well for shots beyond 400 yards. One tip to help you shoot better on your varmint hunt is to place a strip of surveyors tape on a stake at your shooting station. This will show the wind direction. Align the stake to the wind direction so it is either a headwind or a tailwind. This will reduce the impact of cross-winds. We have seven videos for Saturday’s Movies Feature. You’ll see a variety rifles in use in American varmint country, including Montana, Oregon, and Dakota. We also have a video from South Africa. Extreme Outer Limits — Oregon Adventure With.22 CreedmoorThis varmint video features the Extreme Outer Limits team in Central Oregon. The 22-year-old host is filming the.22 Creedmoor bullet. Benchmark barrel. The operation is well-equipped with mobile shooting stations and benches. This video made the Editor want to go to Oregon to try out a.22 Dasher. The effectiveness of the.22 Creedmoor cartridge is evident — it effectively vaporizes some critters. 22-250 Nails Ground Squirrels in South Africa and Rock Hyraxes in South Africa The video maker begins with shots of ground squirrels. He blasts them into pieces with his 22-250. He switches to distant targets, such as a furry groundhog-sized animal called the Rock Hyrax or Cape Hyrax, or Dassie. Mature Rock Hyraxes are 4-5 kg in weight and have a short tail and ears. These Rock Hyraxes can be found at higher elevations in rock crevice habitats. They are able to escape predators but not skilled varmint hunters. Extreme Outer Limits Team Hits 1125-Yard Rockchuck The group set up benches to aim their rifles at a hillside more than 1100 yards away. At the 5:15 mark, you can see a successful first shot rockchuck hit. This episode of Extreme Outer Limits features Bob Beck, Tim Titus and some MOA Rifles customers putting the.22 Creedmoor rifle and other MOA-brand rifles through their paces. Rockchucks provide a challenge at these long distances as they are small targets. Gunwerks Crew Long Range Rockchuck Adventure Aaron Davidson and Gunwerks crew test out new rifles on rockchucks in this video. Although most of the rifles were not used, the host stated that the rockchucks took cover immediately after the first shot. This required coordination between spotters and shooters. At 2:44, a 6XC Varminter is featured. There’s also some drone footage that starts at 2:00. Varminter.com — A great resource for varmint huntersVarminter.com can be a great resource. This site reviews rifles, optics and varmint ammunition. Eric Mayer, the founder of the site, often ventures into the backcountry to record his varmint adventures. Varminting with.17 HMR Savage a17 and Custom.17 SMA ARWhen varmint excursions are being taken, we prefer to have a.17 Rimfire for close shots, within 150 yards. This video shows a Prairie Dog hunt using a.17 HMR. You’ll see hits at 160 yards (00.50), which is the effective range for the.17 HMR cartridge. The host is using a Savage A17 semiauto 17 HMR rifle with a Boyds laminated barrel. Varminters now have three.17-caliber options for rimfire. There are three options: the.17 Mach 2, the.17 HMR and the.17 SSM. The 17 Mach 2 is the most affordable and the.17 SSM the most powerful. A rimfire saves you money on ammo and doesn’t waste valuable centerfire barrel life. The noise level is also reduced, so the critters aren’t disturbed as much. Ground squirrels have been shot with both the 17 HM2 (and.17 HMR) models. The.17 WSM’s impressive ballistics are due to its 3000 fps maximum velocity (MV), The.17 WSM’s trajectory is much flatter than the.17 HMR or.22 WMR. This video was created by Eric Mayer, founder and CEO of Varminter.com, and AR15Hunter.com. This video shows an AR-platform rifle that can be used with the powerful.17 Winchester Super Magnum (aka..17 WSM). Eric was able achieve instant kills at 200 yards. The rifle comes with a Franklin Armory F-17V4 upper and a Franklin Armory 10-rd mag. Eric was impressed by the.17 WSM. He believes that the 20gr bullet with 3000fps MV will be effective for small varmint hunting over considerable distances. KILL Shots — BONUS age-restricted videos Linked below are two very good varminting video clips that show explosive hits. YouTube has made it clear that these videos cannot be posted on third-party sites so you will have to click the links below. The lady shooter nailed THREE PDogs in one video! 1. Eastman’s Hunting Journals. Great video from Eastern Montana. This video has great aerial footage and an amazing shot of three P-dogs (inline) taken in one shot (at the time-mark 9:28). One shot — THREE prairie dogs down! The prairie dog hunt features slow motion kill shots, digiscope close ups, and a rare triple prairie dog kill. This episode of Beyond the Grid is created by Eastmans’ Hunting TV creators. It features a group of hunters working to eradicate prairie dog pests on private grazing lands. To view this video, you will need to click HERE You can also see Eastman’s Prairie Dog Armageddon video. 2. Flying Prairie Dogs in North Dakota This 2-minute High Road Hunting video by Keith Warren Hunting YouTube channel shows some amazing kill shots using AR-platform rifles. You can also see Keith’s Prairie Dog Hunting Shooting Spree. Similar Posts

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