2-Lb Koa Silhouette Stock — Doan Trevor’s Lightweight Wonder

March 16th, 2022Gunsmith/stockmaker Doan Trevor created a lovely, one-of-a-kind silhouette stock for an Anschutz rimfire action. This stock was created as a custom design and weighs only two pounds. This project really shows Doan’s incredible skills with wood. DoanTrever.com has the complete story and more photos. Doan explains the design process: “A customer approached me to ask if I could make a silhouette stock that was less than 2 pounds. Because Koa wood has a lower specific gravity than Walnut, it was lighter and stronger. I was still able use pillar bedding to keep the weight down. To reduce the weight, the fore-end could also be shortened. Because silhouette rifles have different drops than prone rifles, I kept the pistol grip of the prone rifle that is comfortable and designed a cheek piece and drop to the buttplate with more detail. This required a lot of hand carving.
Similar Posts:Tags: Anschutz, Custom Stock, Doan Trevor, Koa Wood, Rimfire, Silhouette Stock

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