May 6, 2022 Is factory 6.5 Creedmoor ammunition enough to win a PRS and NRL competition? If we’re talking Berger ammunition, the answer is a resounding YES. This Berger 6.5 ammunition was made with premium Lapua brass and Berger match bullets. It demonstrated exceptional accuracy, impressive velocity, good ES/SD numbers, and excellent velocity. This ammo was tested at 1000 yards using an MPA-stocked PRS system with Rem 700 action. It produced a group that would have been 50-1X in F Class competition. This is quite impressive for a PRS-rig. It was tested by Erik Cortina, a Texas friend. Erik is a top F Class competitor and also shoots tactical matches (for glory and fun). Erik recently built a new Creedmoor 6.5 with a Remington 700 action. This rifle is a top-shelf MPA gun with a premium Kahles scope and a top-shelf MPA frame. Erik calls it his “budget build” as it has a Rem 700 factory action instead of the Borden actions. Erik prefers the Borden Mountaineer PRS and Borden XD F-Class. Erik posted: “Shot my budget 6.5 Creedmoor today using Berger Bullets factory ammunition. To speed up, I shot five rounds more than the chrono. I used BC information from the box and it all lined-up properly. It took me just 15 shots to get my ECTuner firing properly. It’s simple and uses good components. “This Berger factory ammunition features Berger 130gr Hybrid OTM Tactical Bullets. The Lapua Creedmoor cases are large and have a rifle primer. This ammo has a large rifle primer. Here are the main components of Erik’s PRS rig. Masterpiece Arms BA Competition Chassis
Brux Heavy Varmint 26-inch (1:8?-twist)
Remington 700 Action (custom bolt knob)
ECTuner (by Erik Cortina).
Kahles 6-24x56mm MIL Scope
MPA 1-piece 30mm Scope MountainBarrel Tuner by Erik Cortina — Fits behind Muzzle Brake
Erik Cortina designed and made this barrel tuner. The ECTuner can be used alone or in conjunction with a muzzle brake. Erik tells us that the ECTuner allowed Erik to tune the barrel to the ammo, rather than reloading the ammo barrel by barrel. The tuner allows you to tune all brands of ammo to make your rifle shoot as well as possible. MPA Chassis Configuration Guide
Erik’s PRS rifle is a budget model. It uses a MasterPiece Arms BA Competition Chassis with Rapid Adjustment Technology. This MPA Arms Video demonstrates how to set up an MPA Chassis to suit your owner. Similar Posts:Tags 6.5 Creedmoor (Ber Bullets), Brux Barrel and Creedmoor Ammo), Erik Cortina (Kahles Optics), Lapua Brass, MPA Chassis