May 26th 2022 The 2022 NRA Annual Meets and Exhibits in Houston (Texas) gets underway today, May 26th with registration on-site and lobby displays. This evening, there are two ticket-required events: 1) Houston Metro Friends of NRA event, Ballroom of Bayou Place, at 5:30 pm; 2) 2022 NRA Hunters Leadership Forum, Dinner & Awards ceremony, Rice Hotel, Crystal Ballroom, at 6:00 pm. The full NRA convention opens Friday morning at 8:00 AM at the George R. Brown Convention Center. The Exhibit Hall will host over 1400 exhibitors. There will also be many important meetings throughout the weekend, including a Leadership Forum by the NRA-ILA at 2:00 on Friday and the Annual Meeting for Members at 10:00 on Saturday. The Exhibit Hall will close at 5:00 pm on Sunday, May 29, 2022. This will allow the event to conclude before the Memorial Day holiday (Monday, 5/30/22).
Location for 2022 NRA Annual Meets & Exhibits
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