FREE! Gun Magazine Download! Rendezvous Roundup is now available! CLICK HERE Close (Photo by Lenina Libera, WikiMedia Commons). The topic is brought to your attention because of failed legislative measures to eliminate so-called “gun free zones” in Georgia and Missouri. This is especially true when you consider two tragic events: one in a Texas school and one in Buffalo, N.Y. These and other incidents are just a few examples of the failure to implement “gun-free zones” legislation. RELATED STORY Buffalo Shooter Chosen New York Because of Gun Control, Manifesto states Doubling Down on Failed “Gun Free Zone” Legislation. House Bill 1642 in Missouri would have amended the law to allow Missouri concealed-carry permit holders to carry a firearm to self-defense on most public transportation vehicles and in many churches. It was not passed by the Missouri House of Representatives before it was adjourned on Friday. For a variety of reasons, both provisions were crucially important to law-abiding Missourians. The most important reason is that anti-gun advocates invented the “gun-free zones” fallacy outright. They leave the good people in areas where criminals can freely ply their trade unarmed. Georgia Senate Bill 259 is the same. The Georgia House of Representatives didn’t approve the bill before the state’s legislative session ended April 4. This measure would have eliminated the ban on self-defense in worship places that prohibits carrying firearms. This would have allowed private property owners to make their own security decisions. A similar measure is still being considered in Arizona. House Bill 2316 would expand the areas where concealed carry permit holders are allowed to legally carry concealed firearms. This would apply to certain public places and events. Who do “Gun-Free Zones Really Help?” This legislation is necessary because those restricted areas could be called “victim zones” or “self-defense-free zone,” since only law-abiding citizens are affected. Examples include the New York supermarket and Texas school. Think about it: If a young, disenfranchised man plans to commit mass murder, does he really worry about being arrested for possessing a firearm in a “gun free zone”? John Lott, president and CEO of the Crime Prevention Research Center, wrote that such zones have a negative impact on the lives of people in an Op-Ed published in the Twin Cities Pioneer Press in 2018. He said: “Most gunmen know they can kill more people when they attack places where victims are unable to defend themselves.” This is one reason why 98% of mass shootings in public since 1950 took place in areas where citizens were prohibited from owning guns. Lott collected his data on murders that took place between 1950 and 2019. These murders were defined as “mass shooting” if there are four or more victims. Gun-ban groups such as Everytown for Gun Safety continue to push for more of these victim zones. The group’s website states that “In addition to keeping guns away from schools and college campuses, all states should prohibit civilians carrying guns in sensitive locations.” This should include daycare centers and playgrounds as well as bars and restaurants that sell alcohol, rallies, airports, courthouses, and places where children gather. The government should never require any location to allow guns. Disarming law-abiding gun owners is not the answer. If this leaves the impression that the group would prefer to see you disarmed everywhere, that’s a completely correct assumption. They don’t seem to understand that criminals can be armed to the teeth while lawful citizens are unarmed in “sensitive places”. Everytown and other gun-ban supporters won’t be believed when they claim that armed citizens rarely use their guns for self-defense. According to the FBI, they use their firearms to stop mass killings. This issue will be re-examined by lawmakers in Missouri and Georgia in the next legislative session. We hope that Arizona lawmakers will also pass the measure currently being considered in the Grand Canyon State. New Yorkers, like the victims in Buffalo, might soon be able have their carry rights. They may be restored at most if the Supreme Court decides in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen. The lawsuit challenges New York’s extremely restrictive carry laws. This summer, the high court should announce its decision. Lawful Americans will not be allowed to carry guns in “gun-free zones”, as long as they exist. Criminals will. These fake disarmament zones are bad news for law-abiding citizens and dangerous for violent criminals. 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