First Look: Taurus 856 Executive Grade Revolver

Taurus just released the 856 Executive Grade revolver. This revolver is the first in a new line of factory-modified, improved handguns. This series is different from Taurus’ standard handguns in that each gun visits the “production room” at the Georgia facility. There, a team of experts upgrades the guns’ performance as well as aesthetics. The 856 Executive Grade revolver has had its appearance upgraded with a satin-finished stainless steel finish and a checkered Altamont walnut handle. The 856 Executive Grade revolver has also seen a significant improvement in performance. This revolver is a six-shot,.38 Special +P revolver with an inch barrel. It was designed for everyday carry. Each Executive 856’s trigger has been hand-tuned to ensure a smoother, more predictable trigger pull. DAO, or double-action-only is also possible. The hammer is spurred to allow for a smoother draw. Taurus engineers also chamfer the 856 Executive Grade revolvers’ chambers to make it easier to reload. The Defender series was the only Taurus 856 revolver with 3-inch barrels and cost $430. The 856 Executive Grade revolvers received upgrades worth approximately $260. The new model, which retails for $689, has the MSRP of $689. It is now available. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be found in MOA. Get Free Targets

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