First Look: EAA Girsan OSP and Match Models

EAA just announced the Girsan Match and MCP35 OSP, two new models of its Turkish-made Hi Power clone. The MCP35 was released by Girsan around this time last year. This helped to create the Hi Power renaissance, which also saw Springfield release its reimagined High Power and FN its SA-35. Although Springfield’s clone was very faithful to the original, many felt FN’s attempt at revitalizing the name with a completely new design went too far. Girsan is finding its niche within the Hi Power market by offering clones that are both traditional and completely redesigned. Models like the MCP35 OSP, MCP35 Match, and the MCP35 OSP have an accessory rail. Rails are a standard feature in modern handguns but they have been missing from Hi Powers and their clones. The MCP35 OSP seems to be the only way that dedicated Hi Power users can mount a weapon light to their handgun, despite having a few aftermarket options. These features include a fiber optic front and rear sight, an adjustable back sight, G10 grips, and a straight trigger. These improvements should improve the pistol’s overall shootability. Both the Match and MCP35 OSP models have ambidextrous safeties. They are both available now at a MSRP of $699. Girsan has now released modified Hi Power clones geared toward concealed carry and competition. It will be interesting to see what direction the company takes the design. Download your Storm Tactical printable target pack62 printable MOA targets with DOT drills – Rifle range in YARDSThis amazing target pack comes from Storm Tactical and contains62 printable targets for rifle and handgun range usage. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

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