Two States Display Oppositional Views on Second Amendment Rights

Voters in Oregon and Iowa made their voices heard on election day, with very different outcomes. One state reaffirmed its support of Second Amendment rights, while the second imposed severe gun control laws on law-abiding citizens.

Iowa’s Freedom Amendment Upholds Second Amendment Rights

Voters in Hawkeye approved a ballot measure that would add Second Amendment guarantees at the state level to the Iowa Constitution. This will protect gun rights from any future gun restrictions. Iowans have no doubt that they believe the Second Amendment after receiving more than 65 percent of their vote.

The state’s constitution will be amended to reflect the approved ballot measure. It will now read: “The right to keep and bear arm shall not be violated.” This right is a fundamental right that the sovereign state of Iowa recognizes. All restrictions to this right will be scrutinized closely.”

The amendment also referred to the right to keep and bear arm as “a fundamental individual rights” and required any restrictions on gun rights that are placed must survive “strict scrutiny”, the highest legal hurdle state legislation must clear.

Ballot Measure 1 supporters, or “the Freedom Amendment,” were elated at the final outcome on election night.

David Funk, President of the Iowa Firearms Coalition, stated that “This is a historic day for freedom and civil rights and for Iowa.” “The right of self defense is here to remain in Iowa, and we are grateful to the thousands of Iowans that took the time to vote for liberty.

Iowa was one of six states that had not been granted Second Amendment protections by their state constitutions. Only five states remain today: New York, California, Maryland and Minnesota.

Oregon votes the other way

In the Pacific Northwest, it took longer to count votes. But, the Oregon voters voted in the opposite direction. The voters approved a strict gun ballot measure, which could “virtually eradicate” the firearm industry.

Ballot Measure 114 was passed by a narrow margin of 50.7 percent to 49.5 percent. This is a difference of less than 26,000 votes. It will be law on December 8th, just three weeks after it was passed.

Ballot Measure 114 increases background checks requirements for firearm transfers, including private transfers. It also establishes a statewide universal backcheck. Gun owners will be required to pay additional fees and enroll in hands-on firearm training. A system of fingerprinting, data collection, and data collection will also be established by the measure.

Oregonians must also obtain a permit in order to purchase a gun. It is a time-consuming and expensive process that must be completed before they can undergo an FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System, (NICS) verification. The measure also limits ammunition magazine capacity to ten rounds.

Does it do little to address criminals?

Criminals who ignore the law and use firearms to commit violent acts will not be addressed by the law. Already, law enforcement officials have indicated that they will not enforce the law. Local media reported that multiple Oregon county sheriffs have suggested that the law will be repealed on constitutional grounds.

Fox News’ Cody Bowen, Union County Sheriff, stated that “if you think this measure will cut down the school shootings or reduce the gun violence, you’re sadly wrong.” “But what has worked time and again is… supporting your law enforcement and responsible gun ownership, teaching children at a younger ages respect for human life. This is what we should rely on.”

Jefferson County Sheriff Jason Pollack stated it bluntly: “The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office won’t enforce Measure 114.” Some estimates suggest that the measure will cost local governments $30 millions per year in processing costs.

Proponents of gun control will not like the result of the measure’s approval. The Oregon State Police reported that background checks for firearm purchases rose from an average of 850 per day prior to the election to more like 4,000 per day.

This trend is consistent with NSSF data that shows increased interest in Oregon firearm ownership over the past few decades. According to NSSF data, more than 1,000,000 Oregonians have passed the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check to purchase a firearm.

Oregon’s ballot measures typically take 30 days for full implementation into law. Legal challenges are currently in motion with the hope that the courts will find the measure unconstitutional.

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