Bond Arms Rawhide 22LR offers Budget Plinking and CQC Defense

While.22LR is not a self-defense round, you can use it as a backup gun for close quarters. It is also a great round for range practice and for eliminating varmints. Bond Arms has added the American classic cartridge to its Rawhide pistol, the 22LR.

The Bond Arms Rawhide 22LR

The 22LR is named after its original Rawhide name, and is made of stainless steel. The stainless-steel construction is both the barrel and frame, which adds to its rugged dependability. The Rough series tumble-finish protects the steel and adds to the overall rough look.

Rawhide has Bond Arms’ original Cowboy handcannon frame with nylon grips. It does not have a trigger guard. It is compatible with all Bond Arms Hand-Cannon accessory cans. This applies only to non-Stinger models.

This allows you to easily change the barrel from the.22LR barrel to the original.357/.38. You can practice with the pistol and keep the.357/.38 in your hand for personal defense.

The single-action Rawhide has a crossbolt safety that allows you to safely carry the derringer in your pocket holster. The rebounding hammer also acts as a half-cock and automatically rebounds to an unblocked position from the firing pins. This allows for safer reloading than other derringers.

The 4.5-inch Rawhide weighs just 21 ounces and can easily be slipped into any small pocket or compartment.


The Bond Arms Rawhide 22LR is now available with a MSRP of $269.00 has more information.

Bond Arms Rawhide 22LR Specifics

Total weight – 21ozCaliber-.22LR rimfireOverall height – 4 1/2-in.MSRP- $269

Rawhide 22LR Features

Stainless steel 2 1/2 in. Rough series style barrelStainless Steel frame with Rough series finishRebounding hammerRetracting firing pinsCross-bolt safetyNylon panel gripsSingle actionInterchangeable barrels
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