February 8, 2023
This past weekend saw an “Arctic Blast” in the Northeast USA. It brought with it some extremely low temperatures in New England. There is still snow in many northern states. This can be a problem if you are far from home. You don’t have to let snowfall stop you from shooting this weekend. Grab your snow shovel and get out there. Here’s Nick, aka “ChevyTruck83” – how Forum Member Nick dealt with winter’s fury back in 2012. In 2012, Nick (aka “ChevyTruck 83”) dealt with winter’s fury. Never underestimate the resilience of an AccurateShooter Forum member …. From a news report: “Northern-east arctic blast sets record for -108F wind chill at New Hampshire summit. Arctic air from the US North-East brought dangerously cold temperatures to Saturday, with wind chills as high as -108F (-78C), at Mount Washington’s summit in New Hampshire. Source: TheGuardian.com. We are proud of Nick, a Forum Member, who braved the cold to enjoy a day at his range in Pennsylvania a few years back. This brave shooter brought his snow shovel and arctic gear with him to his range session. Folks, this is a true “hardcore” shooter! Nick reported that despite the “relentless” snow, it was “at least not windy”. Nick shot a variety long guns, including his.22 LR rimfires and a.223 Rem. Rick was not afraid of the cold and said that it was fun to “play like an adult once in a while.” That’s the spirit! Nick reports: “There wasn’t any wind — just relentless snow. It’s great to go out and play like a child once in a while, I’ll tell ya! “Nick’s trip into the winter wonderland really puts things into perspective for “fair weather” shooters. DennisH, a Forum member, commented on Nick’s thread about his snowy range session: “I will never complain again about our super hot sugarcane fields in South Louisiana ever again!” We can have matches for 12 months. I have never owned, used, or had to use a snow shovel. Copyright 2023 AccurateShooter.com. Any site that republishes this story agrees not to pay damages or licensing fees.
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