Saturday Movies: Best New Pistols in 2023 (and Later 2022)

February 18th, 2023Saturday Movies – Best New Pistols 2023 (and Late 2022).
Above is the FN 509 CC Edge optics ready model and Taurus Raging Hunter revolver equipped with 10.5? For today’s Saturday at The Movies compilation, eight videos are featured that show off semi-auto pistols or revolvers that are relatively new. You will find some amazing new guns from Smith & Wesson and Savage, Colt. CZ, FN. Taurus, Rock River. SAR USA. Stoeger. Nighthawk. NOTE: Although some of these pistols were released in 2022 they are still not yet on the market. These videos will show you other pistols and revolvers that were released in the SHOT Show Daily Report last month. It features ambidextrous controls and nice sights. The new Savage 1911 is made from stainless steel and features a dual recoil spring. It also has a machined sear, disconnector, and sear. It is available in three styles: Black Nitride (Stainless), Stainless, or Two-Tone (black slide and stainless frame). The MSRP is $1499.00. New Handguns for 2023 — Video Previews. Hundreds of handguns were displayed at SHOT Show 2023. This video features seven new designs of pistols that were displayed at SHOT Show 2023. These include: The CZ P-10F (0.35 time-mark); Rock River ArmsSTK 100 (2.06); Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 10-mm (5.04); Bond Arms Roughneck Derringer (6.22); Mossberg MC2sc (7.08); and Cabot Guns Apocalypse (8.39). SHOT Show 2023: New Handguns. Here’s a great Ballistik Channel video that features five new or nearly new pistols. The video opens with the CZ TS2 “Racing Green”, which is a standout model. Other grip colors are available. Next, the Stoeger STF9F (2.32), which is a value offering. The powerful S&W M&P 2.0 chambered 10mm (4:25) is next. The modern, suppressor-ready Shadow Systems XR 920, which is equipped with Red-dot, is the fourth pistol. Last but not least, the video includes the Nighthawk Custom President (7.24), a 1911-type pistol that can be used with Federal 30 Super Carry ammo. If you are looking for a new rimfire pistol, this 13-minute video is a must-see. This video is packed with great product images and one of the best compilations (and most recent) of semi-auto revolvers and pistols in.22 LR. It’s definitely worth the effort. FN 502 Tactical (1.05 time-mark).

2. SIG Sauer P322 (2:52)

3. Walther WMP (4.22)

4. Browning Mark Plus Vision (5:30)

5. Charter Arms Target Pathfinder Revolver (6.15) 6. Colt King Cobra Target 22 Revolver (6:50)

7. Heritage Rough Rider Tactical Cowboy Revolution (7:29)

8. Keltec CP33 (8:15)

9. Smith & Wesson Model 317 Gun (11:30)

10. Taurus TX-22 (12.22) Five New Pistols, including Taurus TX22 and S&W5.7. This video shows five new pistols that were featured at Shot Show 2023. The Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 is the first (00:34). Next comes the Rock Island Armory RIA 5.0 (02:00), followed by Rossi RP63 (05:00). Next is the FN 510 Tactical (7,04). The.22 LR Taurus TX22 Compact is last but not least. The TX22 rimfire pistol is very popular. Glock’s new factory-built Performance Trigger is the key topic. Yes, Glock now makes a high-performance trigger for its Gen 5 pistols. Shane provides all the details, including a very reasonable price. This trigger should be available soon.

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