Democrats introduce legislation to ban online ammo sales

February 27, 2023 – Legislation Introduced by the Democrats to Ban Online Ammo Sales “Second Amendment?” — We don’t care a damn.” This could be the motto of many Democratic Party members in Congress. H.R. 584, a radical anti-gunner from New Jersey, has been introduced to Federal legislation. 584, which would prohibit all Americans from buying ANY ammunition online. All ammunition sales would need to be made in person with photo ID. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D.N.J.) has revived legislation that would ban the sale of ammunition online. Watson Coleman introduced the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act 2023 last month. This is a revised version of the restrictive legislation she had previously authored. The bill was listed as H.R. 584 and was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. H.R. 584 had 23 cosponsors* as of February 24, 2023. This bill, according the NRA-ILA would implement the following:1. Forcing ammunition purchasers to present a photo ID every time they purchase any ammunition.
2. Report the identity of ammunition purchasers to the U.S. attorney general if ammo buyers buy more than 1,000 rounds in a 5-day period.

3. Register ammunition buyers in a U.S. Department of Justice database. You know what the DOJ would do to the ammo buyer database. It would be used for identification of gun owners, creating de facto gun owners registry. This would be in direct violation Federal law that forbids such an registry. reports: “The proposal [H.R. 584] would allow ammunition dealers to be licensed. They would then have to verify the identity of customers who wish to purchase ammo. in person. It would also prohibit the practice of ordering ammo online and having it delivered directly to customers’ doors. These vendors would be required to report to the U.S. attorney general all purchases exceeding 1,000 rounds in a five-day time frame by the same person. This also applies to local and state law enforcement. This legislation will have a significant impact on ammunition sales. If people were to only be able to shop at local shops, it would make it difficult to find specialized ammunition for less-popular chamberings. Shooting enthusiasts can shop from dozens of online vendors to find a wide range of ammo at affordable prices. allows you to shop from a dozen or more online vendors, making it easy for shooting enthusiasts to find the best deals on rimfire and centrefire ammunition. She would love to see ammo prices double, triple, or even triple. She is against firearms and hates gun owners. GunsAmerica reached out to Alan Gottlieb, founder and CEO of the Second Amendment Foundation, regarding H.R. 584. Gottlieb was critical about the one-sidedness and criminalization of legislation. Gottlieb stated: “Day in, day out men and woman save their lives using ammunition they purchased online. The only response from Democrats to this is to call for a ban on the sale ammunition. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA-4] is another cosponsor of the bill.

Joyce Beatty [D–OH-3]

Earl Blumenauer [D-OR-3]

Andre Carson [D-IN-7]

Joe Courtney [D–CT-2]

Jason Crow [D–CO-6]

Danny Davis [D-IL-7]

Madeleine Dean [D-PA-4] Diana DeGette [D-CO-1]

Susan DelBene [D-WA-1]

Mark DeSaulnier [D-CA-10]

Glenn Ivey [D-MD-4]

Sydney Kamlager-Dove [D-CA-37]

Barbara Lee [D–CA-12]

Zoe Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-18]

Betty McCollum [D–MN-4] Kweisi Mofume [D–MD-7]

Seth Moulton and Seth [D–MA-6]

Eleanor Holmes Norton [D–DC-At Large]

Donald M. Payne, Jr.

Mike Quigley [D-IL-5]

Rashida Tlaib [D-MI-12]

Jill Tokuda (D-HI-2] Similar Posts.Tags:Ammo Sales Database Bonnie Watson Coleman, Democratic Party Firearms Registry, H.R. 584, Online Ammo Sale Ban, Online Ammunition, Rashida Talib, Second Amendment

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