March 2, 2023 for Concealed Carry Permit Holders – Seven Insurance Options * With the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen we can expect this number to rise significantly. This landmark case affirmed that the Second Amendment gives citizens the right of bear arms outside of their homes. There are seven (7) major business entities that provide legal and insurance services to CCW holders. Below are a list of these providers. We recommend that you compare at least three options before you sign up for any policy/membership. We recommend that you read the entire GunDigest Article, which is 3400 words long. It examines the coverage offered by these seven companies. U.S. Law Shield U.S. Concealed Carry Assoc. (USCCA), CCW Safe Right To Be Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network, (ACLDN), Second Call Defense Firearms Legal Protection Factors To Consider When Choosing a Gun Insurance Policy:Attorney fees and Expert Fees
CCW insurance plans provide coverage for attorneys fees. This is the key benefit. The fees can quickly add up if you need a lawyer to represent you in a civil or criminal case. A good lawyer can charge between $400-$500 an hour and a trial can last for several days. GunDigest explains that if your case goes to trial, you may find a bill that is six figures or more. Check to make sure your policy covers expert fees, retainer fees, and potential damages.
You want to avoid jail time if you are arrested for an incident. It is important to have a CCW plan that can quickly fund bail bonds. Multi-State Coverage
State gun laws and state insurance laws can vary from one state to the next. This can impact the coverage that an insurance program will or can provide. Ask questions when choosing a policy to find out how coverage may differ from one state to the next. You may be able to purchase additional coverage for trips beyond your home state with some programs. These policies can be limited in time to save money.
You should carefully review the policy limits when considering a CCW insurance plan. These are the amounts the program might pay to help with legal issues or settle a claim. It is important to read all the fine print when considering CCW insurance. While many of these are covered by the policies, others cost extra. CCW policies can cover more than just legal expenses. They also cover other aspects such as “Crime Scene Clean Up.”
Negligent Discharge
Spouse and Family Self-Defense
Property Damage Firearms Replacement
Work Loss Coverage
* The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) recently estimated that over 21.5 million Americans are licensed to carry a firearm in the United States. The numbers are increasing — NRA-ILA reported that concealed handgun permits reached 18.66million in 2019, a 304% increase from 2007.
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