Shooting Industry Magazine — Fifth Annual Women’s Issue

March 3, 2023. The March 2023 issue was just published in Shooting Industry Magazine. This special 5th Annual Woman’s Edition is primarily focused on female gun owners and shooters. You will find many interesting articles about products that are suitable for women and how to increase female participation in shooting sports. Click HERE to download the March 2023 issue. Women are becoming more important in the shooting sport world. According to the NSSF, nearly 5 million Americans bought a firearm for their first time in 2020. Of that number, 40% were women. If current trends continue, almost half of all gun sales will go to women. The age range for lady shooters is also significant. Shoot Like A Girl’s Annual Report shows that 67% of their 3,457 guests participated in 2022. 17% were over 60.
Ava Flandell, gun shop owner and instructor, stated that “in my experience, female-taught classes fill out much faster than those taught by men, especially when you consider entry-level classes.” Click HERE to see the four March 2023 Shooting Industry lead stories on women and the firearms trade. Click HERE to see a variety of articles on firearms products for women. This NSSF video features Kay Miculek, and Deb Ferns, Babes with Bullets camp director, explaining eye dominance. They first explain how to identify your dominant eye. Kay, a cross-dominant eye target shooter, explains how cross­dominant individuals can maintain a proper vision picture. A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League is one notable female-centric shooting organisation. The major AG&AG event of the year will be held in Grand Junction, Colorado, April 27-30, 2023. Workshops, live-fire training, matches, and other activities will be available.

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