Measure groups easily with Ballistic-X App on SmartPhones

Ballistic-X App for Smartphones: Measure Groups Easily!Ballistic-X Apple (iOS) version shown. There is also a Ballistic X Android App. Here’s something every shooter needs — a smartphone app that calculates bullet hole group sizes based on your own photos. The Ballistic-X App has a simple interface. Use the touchscreen to place circles in each hole. Take a picture of your target and set some values, such as bullet diameter or distance to target. The App will calculate the group size (in Mils or MOA), distance to the point of aim and display all information in an overlay. Click “save” and your group will be saved for posterity. This App is easy to use, works well, and costs only $7.99. The app is available on both Android and iOS (Apple). There are many other ways to measure the size of groups from images. One such program is On-Target, which we use for years. On-Target, however, requires a Windows desktop or laptop to install the software. Ballistic-X App is an easy-to-install app that comes in versions for Android and iOS (Apple).

Download Android App

Download Apple App Ballistic-X App is a simple-to-use app. You can select either MOA or Milrad values, as well as Inch or metric dimensions. There are several labeling options to provide information on load development. You can even adjust your turrets using the ATZ (Adjustment To Zero). Select Photo Source — Choose the Camera to take a new photo or choose an image from your Photo Library.2. Set Reference Values – Select Bullet Diameter, and enter the distance to target. Set Scale on Image — Mark 2 points on the target image to set scale.

Mark two points on the grid for a distance of 1? distance.4. Mark the Point of Aim — Place the central X at the point of aim.5. Designate Shot Locations – Place the green circles around every shot. Finalize Data Display – Position Overlay, select color options, and export the file.Android Options – Range Buddy FREE App

Range Buddy is a mobile app that measures shot groups and works in conjunction with Ballistic-X. Range Buddy is only available for Android devices. It is free, but there are ads. Range Buddy isn’t bad but users have complained about the program crashing and compatibility issues with modern phones. We recommend that you stick with Ballistic X and pay $7.99. Tags: Ballistic X, Data export, Group Measuring Apps, On Target Programs, Range Buddy Apps, Software

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