Lanny Barnes wins the Lady Division at NRA World Championships

The NRA World Shooting Championship took place April 3-6, 2020 at Camp Atterbury in Edinburgh, Indiana. This challenging event, presented by Walther, involved rifle, shotgun, and pistol shooting with a dozen different disciplines – from short-range action rifle to long-range rifle. Lanny Barnes, who is a three-time Olympic biathlete as well as a professional 3-Gun competitor, was the top lady shooter. We congratulate Lanny on her outstanding performance in 2024 at the NRA Championship which earned Lanny’s title of NRA Shooting Lady World Champion!

Lanny has provided this report about the NRA World Shooting Championship:
This match is definitely challenging. I had the opportunity to shoot with some of the best shooters in the world. We faced challenging weather conditions, tough stages and firearms that were unfamiliar to us while shooting 12 different disciplines. We shot pistols, shotguns, and rifles. We also shot at short and long ranges, with varying levels of accuracy, speed, and speed. We also shot moving targets, as well as shooting on the go.

Come out and test your shooting skills. Congratulations to all those who participated and survived this challenging event. I want to give a special shout out to my team. I learned so many things from your guys. I am proud of my shooting sisters Dianna Muller, Becky Yackley and Gabby Franco, who are pushing themselves to the limit despite their challenges in life. Tristin is a beast who is improving her shooting. Then there are the legends, Jerry Miculek, Bruce Piatt, among others, who are not just great guys but also incredibly humble. They are a rare breed that has set itself apart and will be recorded in history as the greatest shooters of the world.

I don’t believe I’ve ever laughed as much as I have in the past year as I have done the last few days. Thank you guys. Thank you to NRA for bringing back this match and focusing on the shooting sports, and to all of you who volunteered and put these into this match. Walther Arms deserves a huge shout-out for their efforts and the great guns they provided to this match.

Above, Lanny (aka Lanny Oakley) is shooting at the NRA World Shooting Championships. Lanny writes: “It’s a PRS stage using a Ruger Precision.308 and shooting 8 targets at a distance of 411 yards. You were only allowed to use the scope for 3 sighted shots. I used all 10 shots, but was pleased to get the hits. Ruger sponsored the match. I won one of Ruger’s precision rifles at this match. ]”

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