The number of first-time gun owners in the USA has increased dramatically

Matt Manda’s NSSF Report is the basis for this article.Since 2020, there has been a significant trend. Data from the firearm industry reveals a very interesting trend. The NSSF reports that a population of the size Florida has become a first-time gun owner. It’s true — over 22.3 million people, who had previously decided that firearm ownership was not for them, looked around and decided they didn’t want to see what they saw. They then jumped off the fence, lawfully bought a gun in retail. 22.3 million. One thing is for sure: those Americans can make a big difference on Election Day.” CLICK HERE for the Full Story on >> We hope that those new gun owners will vote for candidates who support their Second Amendment right. As the NSSF explains, four more years of Biden won’t be good for our Second Amendment Rights. These 22.3 million Americans must register and #GUNVOTE (r) on Election Day so that they do not risk their rights. Five months before the federal elections, the control of the U.S. House of Representatives (HCR) and the U.S. Senate is up for grabs. Crime and neighborhood safety are still top of mind among voters. Voters will decide if they want to give President Biden another term. He continues to support strict gun control laws and uses executive action to implement them.

According to the Firearm Trade Industry Association, data shows that nearly 30% of all firearms purchases in 2021 will be made by first-time gun buyers. The Surge in First Time Gun Buyers

Retailers estimate that by the middle of 2020, 40% of gun buyers will be first-time owners. The “normal” range is between 20-24%. In 2020, 8.4 million people became first-time gun buyers. In 2021, however, the initial surge of first-timers slowed down a little and there were 5.4 million new gun owners. The percentage of buyers dropped to 30%. According to industry data, the total was approximately 4.2 millions in 2022 and 4.3 million in 2023. The 2024 figures have not been finalized, but there has already been a total of just over 6 million FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System Verifications processed for the sales of firearms. If the percentages are averaged, this could mean an additional million first-time gun purchasers for the year. According to industry statistics, first-time gun buyers spend an average of $500 – $700 on their purchase.

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