This lady can shoot! Lindsey Paul is now the top ELR ace in the world. The talented Texan defeated a large field of competitors, which included many past KO2M Champions. Lindsey deserves our congratulations for her remarkable performance. She managed to hit 3 times in 5 shots at the maximum distance of 2.0 miles (3520 meters). No competitor had more than one hit from 3520 yards. Only four other finalists had even one hit at that distance. Lindsey was using a.375 CheyTac cartridge and Cutting Edge 400gr solids. Ryan Cheney, K02M runner up, was leading the field for most of the event. He was the only shooter who hit all his targets (without missing) at 1692 and 2097 yards along with 4 out of 5 at 2270 — the best at that distance. At the 3520-yard mark, Lindsey was a great shooter. One observer commented that Ryan had the bag in his hand before Lindsay got hot. Three out of five at 3520 yards was HOT! This was a remarkable year that showed how the ELR game is evolving, with ever-greater overall performances from the ranks of talented shooters. Match Directors stated: “Every year we get more hits on Two Miles and that this has been the greatest ever — 3 out of 5 from Lindsey, Jay Dvorsky and Peter Renwick hitting the 2 Mile target: Lindsey Paul and Curtis Roman.” These are the results of Wednesday’s K02M Finals, 9/29/2021
This Report was posted by the K02M Match Organisers on the K02M Facebook Page. FINAL RESULTS OF 2021 KO2M
NRA Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico
27-29 September 2021. Congratulations to all spotters, shooters, and teams who drove from all over the USA to Raton. And even more congratulations to those that hit their targets. The prize table was made possible by the sponsors. Special thanks to Lindsay Paul, Jaclyn Bryan, and Rei Hoang for being the King (Queen), of 2 Miles 2021 Lindsay Paul. They proved that women can shoot as well or better than men. I hope we have more female shooters each year. Ryan Cheney, who shot so well, he almost made it to King, deserves a special mention. Special mention must be made to all the spotters who drove their shooters to their targets and were always there in their shadow. All of them deserve a round of applause. We have once again proven that hits at 2 Miles can be achieved and not only luck. We are grateful to everyone who attended KO2M
The Queen of Two Miles Team, King of 2 Miles, Thanks Her Team and Sponsors
Here is Lindsey’s Report on Her Achievement — being the first woman to win the King, oops make that QUEEN, of 2 Miles Competition. “I don’t know where to begin! This year has been a wild ride. First, I want to thank Robert, my incredible spotter. With his excellent wind calls, corrections, and support, he is responsible for making this happen. My team, thank you. Jeff finished 6th in a very difficult round due to the shade on his targets. Shane has made a lot of progress in a short amount of time. He finished 19th, just below the cutoff to qualify for the finals. Robert’s spotter was a great honor. He forgot to record his dope for target 3, but I managed to help him stay on target. He finished 26th. Jay, we were sorry to miss you and we hope you get back to 100% soon. My sponsors Alamo Precision Rifles and McMillan Fiberglass stocks were a great help. Kenneth Johnson from K&P Rifle Barrels was also a great sponsor. Again, the cutting edge bullets proved their worth! They work flawlessly! My Applied Ballistics Personal Drag Model (Personal Drag Model), was almost spot on. It covered two miles. Your contributions to shooting sports are beyond amazing. Without your support, we couldn’t do what our sport requires. I was apprehensive about switching to Accu-Tac’s bipod before this match, but I’m now a firm believer! I got a Nightforce scope from the prize table, which was exactly what I needed since I was borrowing one. We are grateful to them and all the other sponsors who supported this match and the shooting community. DNA Custom Engraving made me the coolest challenge coins ever! Lindsay also praised her competitors: “Congratulations, all the shooters. NRA Whittington Centre is my favorite place for shooting but it can be challenging. Ryan Cheney made it possible for me to do it, congratulations man! You shot great! Rei and Jaclyn, how amazing was it to have three women in the finals? Both of you deserve congratulations! Lindsey set a FCSA Cold Bore World record in August 2021
Lindsey is a top talent within the ELR field. In August 2021, she set a new FCSA Cold Bore World Record of 1.5 miles (24664 yards). Lindsey wrote: “WHAT A DATE! I set a new cold bore record at 2464 yards with 3 impacts! I am so grateful for my amazing team and my Alamo Precision Rifles.375 CheyTac. The 400gr Cutting Edge Lazers were as good as ever!