Sunday GunDay: 6-284 to play the 600-yard Steel Silhouette Game

Editor’s note: This story was published for the first time many seasons ago. Equipment has changed over the years — optics, front rests, actions, and more. This rifle is still very competitive in the 600-yard silhouette match and remains a formidable weapon for long-range varminting. If speed and accuracy are taken into consideration, the 6-284 could be the “ultimate 6mm cartridge”. It burns more powder than a 6mmBR, 6 Dasher, and delivers much more velocity. John Southwick, the owner of this week’s featured 6-284 can push 107gr SMKs past 33400 fps — speeds no 6BR, 6BRA or 6 Dasher can match. He usually dials it back to 3200 fps, but that’s still far more than a 6BR, 6BRA or 6Dasher can handle. John’s gun is much more than a speed demon. It’s also a highly accurate match rifle that has won many Varmint Silhouette victories. Everybody is always competing for second place at his club when John and the Black Borden are out to play. The Borden Black Beauty is being built
John says that he chose the 6-284 primarily because it appeared on the winning equipment lists for 1K BR matches and was becoming popular with long-range varminters. Skip Talbot had previously used a 6-284 in order to set an IBS 1000 yard record, which was later lowered over the past decade. Case-forming was easy because Norma and Lapua had high-quality 6.5-284 brass. After much research, I found that a high-BC 6mm bullet at 3200+ FPS would be a good choice. I was looking for a long-range bench/target rifle that could perform well at long range. This would be used primarily in 600-yard matches at Ojai Valley Gun Club, and possibly 1000-yard bench matches. Varmint hunting is also an option. I wanted a rifle built by a renowned gunsmith. Jim Borden of Borden Rifles was the man I chose to work for. His rifles set world records, he had a great reputation, and his rifles were often included in the winning equipment lists at NBRSA sanctioned shoots. Also, I had decided to get a Nesika-actioned gun. I was impressed by Jim’s design of Borden Bumps, one of the Nesika key features. The Bald Eagle front rest was also something I liked, and Jim was involved in its design. This gave me confidence in Jim’s understanding of precision rifle performance. Loading for Accuracy

My match load consists Norma 6.5-284 brass and 51.0 grains Alliant Reloder 22 brass. I also have 210m primers and Sierra moly-coated 107gr Ks. into the lands. This is approximately 3250 fps at the 28? barrel. The case necks can be turned to.0133 Wall thickness for a.270 is.0133? The neck diameter is loaded. I use either a.268 bushing or a.269 bushing and bump the shoulders back every time. I set the bump so that the firing pin is removed and I can feel the case in my chamber when I close the bolt. My loaded rounds rarely show more than.0015? Runout on a NECO concentration gauge. Jim’s custom inline seating and shoulder-bump neckbushing die contributed to the low run-out. How the 6-284 Shoots

It has exceeded all my expectations. It is extremely precise and accurate, provided that I do my part in steering it and feeding it consistent, high-quality ammo. I have only done 100-yard group shooting. The rifle usually puts five shots into half MOA at 600 yards. I have logged several 3-shot groups between 1.06 and 2.2? I’ve logged several 3-shot groups between 1.06???? and 2.2? at 600 yards. I was told that this level of accuracy would be comparable in a 600-yard BR match. Most importantly, I am confident that the gun will strike where I aim. Half-size silhouette targets are used by the Ojai club. It is amazing that this gun can pick off small steel targets even in the most difficult conditions. Sometimes it feels like I’m launching guided missiles of 107gr silhouette-seeking size. Borden 6mm-284 SPEC SHEET Borden Long-Range Rifle, 16.5 lbs Nesika ‘K’ Action, 1.70? diam., Right Bolt, Left Port.

Hart 28?, 1?9? twist,.920 at muzzle, cryo’d using.272 Neck diam. 1.5 throat

McMillan MBR stock. Borden texture finish, pillar-bedded with action also glue in. Nightforce 12-42x NXS

NP-R2 Reticle, 20 MOA Ramped Scope Base, Leupold Mark IV Rings. A Special Brand of Silhouette shooting John’s rifle was designed for one purpose — to hit small silhouettes at long distances in a shooting environment that requires wind wizardry. Even though matches begin early in the morning at Ojai it is not uncommon to see a wind gusting at least 10 mph at the firing line. There is no wind at mid-course flag and there is a swirling variable wind at targets. The little creatures are seated on top of a ramped hill. The wind can blow high when it switches to 6 o’clock at night. John and his Black Borden have been successful in varmint matches, despite the often-wicked conditions. He’s the “smart money” bet to win any weekend. John reports: “The rifle really proved itself at the 600-yard silhouette contest at my local club. We shoot ten targets per match and usually have three “matches”, or relays, per day. Half-size NRA Hunter Pistol metal silhouettes are used as targets: 1 Ram, 2 Turkeys and 3 Pigs, as well as 4 Chickens. (Note, these are larger than those in the above photo). The Ram, Turkey, Pig, and Chicken each count one point. Pig, Pig, and Pig add three points each. Chicken, on the other hand, counts four points. The Chickens have a “hit area” of approximately.6 MOA at 600 meters-about 3.6?. It can be difficult, especially in shifting winds. We shoot F-class fashion from ground, using pedestal rests or bipods, unlike traditional silhouette matches. This is easier than shooting off your hind leg, but our targets will be smaller than standard high-power silhouettes. For many years, the Black Borden was Ojai’s best rifle. John held the record of the most cleans (no misses), for the event and was the annual Champion for many years, including three consecutive years. He won the championship the last match of the year. John commented: “Thankfully, my gun was humming and it was clear that I made the right wind calls.” I was able to score enough points in the final shoot that I won the series for the year. Yes, John’s flat shooting Borden 6-284 had done its work again. Long-Range Silhouette Match Strategy & Techniques

John believes that competition is about being aware of the conditions and avoiding mental mistakes. “I keep it simple.” Varmint silhouette matches allow for 20 minutes of sighting and 10 shots on target (one for each animal). We usually do three relays or “matches” per event. I wait for favorable conditions, then I take a few sighters to adjust the scope as necessary. If the conditions are stable, I will try to run my targets before it changes. It is important to keep an eye on the wind flags at the Ojai range and listen to your spotters’ calls. I have seen the wind change from 7mph to 10mph from one target to another. This is almost a foot and half of horizontal change for me gun. If there is a significant change, I will wait it out. If the shift is not significant, I may wait a while. Scope corrections should be used as a last resort. While you dial, the wind might switch again. Technical Report by Jim Borden, Gunsmith John’s 6-284 was set up as we would for the 1000-yard Light Gun competition. These rifles can also be built in 6MM BR to compete at 600 yards. John used a Borden/Nesika Model K1.70? The rifle’s starting base was the diameter action. Borden improvements were made to the timing and cocking-piece systems for this rifle in order to increase firing pin energy and lock times. The action was pillar-bedded, then glued to a McMillan Toley MBR pattern stock. The stock blank was epoxy-finished with texture after it had been gel-coated. The Muzzle Brake — To make the transition smooth and unseen, we usually blend the brakes into a barrel. John preferred that the brake be larger than the barrel to allow it to be used on future barrels. 9-Twist Barrrel — The barrel measures 28 7/8 inches in length and is a 1?9?-twist Hart V pattern. Our 6×284 reamer has an.272? Neck diameter. It has a tight cylindrical section and a 1 1/2 degree throat. The Benchrest chambering method was used to chamber the barrel. Chambering ensures that the chamber’s body, neck, and throat align with the bores and grooves of each barrel. [Editor] To shoot match bullets of 105-107 grains, we recommend an 8-twist barrel for a 6BR/6 Dasher. John found the 9-twist Hart to be very useful, despite the increased velocity of the 6-284. Borden Rifles now makes its own Borden Custom Actions. These actions have won National Championships as well as set World Records. Nesika Firearms now sells Nesika Actions. The Ojai Valley Gun Club, located in the Coastal Mountains, behind Ventura, California is a

It is a beautiful place to photograph. The Hwy 33 route to the range offers breathtaking views.

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