Smith & Wesson releases Optics-Ready M&P9 shield Plus

Smith & Wesson’s well-known M&P9 Shield plus is now available in an optics ready configuration with a J Point pattern footprint and factory tritium-night sights.

Smith & Wesson’s M&P9 Shield Plus already has a large number of users since its launch earlier this year. It complied with the CCW trend of micro-compact 9mm striker fired pistols with large magazine capacities. The M&P9 Shield Plus has established itself as one the few viable pistols in its category. Now, it is following the next hot CCW pistol trend: red dot optics. Many of its competitors were optics-ready at the time of release, but Shield platform fans can now carry their gun with an optic. The M&P9 Shield Plus OR’s slide can accept Shield RMSc/J Point footprint optics. This pattern includes many small pistol red dots that are intended for concealed carry. Smith shows theirs with a Crimson Trace sight, which is available from the factory on certain Performance Center models. The upgraded Shield comes with orange tritium night sight as a standard feature. It also includes a flush-fitting 10-round mag and an extended 13-rounder. It also features the same ergonomic upgrades, flat-faced trigger and optional manual thumb safety.The optics-ready M&P9 Shield Plus has an MSRP of $595 and is available now.For more information, please visit Micro-Compact 9mm PistolsNEXT STEP: Download Your Free Storm Tactical Printable Target Pack 62 Printable MOA Targets with DOT Drills – Rifle Range in YARDS This impressive target pack from our friends at Storm Tactical contains 62 printable targets for rifle and handgun range use. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be found in MOA. Perfect for long-range shooting! Get free targets

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