When I was in martial arts, hand strength was a priority. We were committed to doing knuckle pushups, fingertip pushups, and tossing bags full of sand back-and-forth. It’s not possible for everyone to do this, and not all people have the ability to increase their hand strength. Many people are content with what they have. If that’s not enough to cycle the slide on a pistol reliably, then they have a problem. Slide the slide into the Handi-Racker and place it against an immovable object. Push. Instead of depending on hand strength, you use body mass to cycle the slide.Well, there’s a solution.Handi-Racker to the rescue. The Handi-Racker is a third hand. It comes in three sizes to match the pistol. The bottom edge has a slot with a pinched-in center. You can match any size slide with either one or the other Handi-Racker because the ends have different widths. It even has one for oddly shaped Beretta slides. To use it, it is very simple. Place the Handi-Racker groove-side up, parallel to the barrel. You can hold it in your left hand (left-handers know the drill), and your right hand on your pistol as if shooting (but keep your finger away from the trigger). Push the pistol forward. This is a dual advantage. Instead of pulling, you can put your weight behind the slide. You also have full control over the pistol, not the fingertips-grab of other methods. To cycle the slide, you use your body mass and not your grip strength. You can use a wall or a post to keep the muzzle in a safe place. Once you have gotten up from your magazine, you can chamber the round by holding the pistol in place. Then, lift the Handi-Racker to unload the magazine. The magazine should be dropped first. Then, use the Handi-Racker in the same manner. The Handi-Racker is available in a variety of sizes, each color coding the pistol’s fit. The bright yellow one is for full-sized pistols. You can use the slide to load or unload and you don’t have to worry about your hand getting in the way of the muzzle. You can’t point it at someone else as long as you have a suitable surface to rack it on. You can also cycle it vertically, muzzle down, by using a sturdy table. I have seen too many shooters with low hand strength struggle with their pistols at the range and inadvertently point the muzzle to the side to gain more leverage. The HandiRacker gives you the leverage you need. A.32 or even a.380 can be effective for some people, but not everyone. This doesn’t only apply to the elderly, if you think so. A person with repetitive motion injury may be strong enough to shoot but not strong enough to grip a slick, steel slide with cocking serrations. What I was able to grip with (almost tears your skin off) is now impossible for me. A half-century can do that.Handi-Racker solves the problem many already have–and for not much coin at only $25.For more information on the Handi-Racker, please visit handi-racker.com.Find More Gun Gear:NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Storm Tactical Printable Target Pack 62 Printable MOA Targets with DOT Drills – Rifle Range in YARDS This impressive target pack from our friends at Storm Tactical contains 62 printable targets for rifle and handgun range use. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. Perfect for long-range shooting! Get free targets

How to Interpret Shot Groups at Long Range with Color Your Shot
On report, įt cαn ƀe chaIlenging tσ ƫell whiçh shot sloƫs belong ƫo a certain ȿeries oƒ shoƫs when shooting organizations at long range. If, for instance, you shot three