Clean-22 — CCI Rimfire Ammo With Polymer-Coated Bullets

December 1, 2021 CCI introduced a new type.22 LR rimfire ammunition in 2019. CCI’s Clean-22 Ammo uses polymer-coated bullets. This is a significant development. CCI’s Clean-22 ammo has three main benefits. The barrel’s copper fouling is greatly reduced.
2. The barrel’s lead fouling is greatly reduced.

3. The lead buildup in suppressors has been reduced by 60 to 80%. CCI now offers three versions Clean-22 rimfire ammunition. Subsonic (#934CC), 40gr and 1235 FPS, MV), High Velocity (#944CC), 40gr and 1070 FPS, MV) and Suppressor/#980CC (#980CC), 45gr, 1000 FPS). All three versions feature lead bullets coated with polymer coatings. The High Velocity ammo features red-coated bullets. The Subsonic version has blue-coated bullets. The Suppressor version uses black-coasted ammunition. MSRP is $12.99 per 100 rounds Subsonic, $11.99 per 100 rounds Hi-Vel and $35.99 each 200 rounds of the Suppressor version. A 400rd Christmas pack of Clean-22 HiVel ammo comes with red and GREEN coated bullets. Item #946XMAS is listed at $48.99 Clean-22 Subsonic: 1070 FPS

Clean-22 Ammo with Polymer Coated Bullets

Clean-22 uses a unique polymer bullet coating that reduces copper and lead fouling without leaving any residue. It reduces lead buildup in suppressors by 60 to 80 percent. The Sub-Sonic and High Velocity loads both feature a 40-grain round nose bullet with optimized geometry for accuracy. Clean-22 is reliable in cycling semi-automatics as well as all 22 LR firearms with consistent propellant and consistent priming thanks to CCI. CCI Clean-22.22 LR ammunition was awarded an On Target Magazine Editor’s Choice Award for 2019.

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