Athlon Outdoors is our publisher and holds a Rendezvous every October in southern Idaho. A few firearms and ammunition manufacturers are invited to attend the three-day event to meet Athlon’s top content producers. It’s a chance for industry executives to meet face-to-face and see the latest developments in a relaxed, unhurried setting. This is where we can see the latest and greatest, such as the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus OR. RELATED STORY Shield Plus – New Smith & Wesson M&P9 Bumps Capacity up to 10+1 &13+1 The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus OR Before it was officially introduced in March 2021, I had already written about that then-new Shield Plus. The Plus version of the original S&W Shield featured an improved trigger, enhanced texturing and, most importantly, a larger capacity. The Shield Plus ships with a flush-fit magazine that has a 10 + 1 capacity, while the extended magazine has a 13 + 1. I found the Shield Plus to be extremely reliable, accurate, and reliable at 15 yards. Only one feature was missing: the ability to mount an optical on the pistol. Optics-ready guns have quickly become the standard. I was puzzled that S&W introduced a new gun without this feature. Rendezvous representatives from S&W said that this was a massive mistake on their part. Carry Optics is very popular right now. We just launched the S&W Shield Plus Optics Ready pistol. It’s now available and includes all the features of Shield Plus, with the addition of an opticals plate and tritium-night sights.” The Build Within a week of the Rendezvous, I received a sample of the new Shield Plus Optics Ready pistol. The Shield Plus’s upgraded trigger is one of its greatest improvements over the original Shield. S&W equips the new gun in a flat-face trigger. My test sample weighed in at 4 pounds. After a little bit of take-up, it meets resistance and then snaps. It has very little overtravel, and the reset is quick and firm. This trigger allows shooters to fire the gun quickly. S&W also outfits an Optics Ready version Shield Plus with TruGlo tritium-night sights. The front sight features a bright orange ring around a tritium vial, making it easy to pick up in any light. The rear sight has two tritium dots at the notch. The one-piece sight can also be drifted to adjust windage in its dovetail. Adding the Optic I received a Crimson Trace ™ Micro PRO sample containing a 5 MOA green dot to test the Optics Ready Shield Plus. I believe this model is suitable for concealed carry because of its features. The optic has the CT Radiant(tm), Ambient Light Sensor, which adjusts the dot’s brightness based on the surrounding light. The optic and gun were tested on a sunny Arizona morning. The dot never “washed out”. A CT Motion(tm), Sensor is also included in the optic’s design to extend the battery life. After two minutes of inactivity the sight will automatically go to sleep and then instantly wake up with any movement. Crimson Trace claims a 7000-hour battery life for the RAD, which is readily available and affordable. Crimson Trace makes the sight’s housing out of tough 7075 aluminum. The sight also has a recessed multi-coated lens that can withstand heavy use. This sight retails for $299. Performance I set up my DOA Tactical shooting table on a piece BLM land in Sonoita, Arizona, on a warm Arizona autumn morning. I fired all groups from a seated position and used a Millett BenchMaster as a dust cover to place on the gun while I applied the 4 pounds of pressure required to trigger the gun. My targets were placed at 15 yards. The RAD’s 5 MOA dot was snugly within the 2″ Shoot N C target paster. Each of the listed ammunitions was used in three, five-shot groups. My accuracy chart shows the most accurate group. AMMO VELOCITY ENERGY GROUP AGUILA 124–GRAIN FMJ 985 266,.86″ BLACK HILLS 115–GRAIN JHP 1093 305.74” DOUBLETAP 77–GRAIN SOLID COPPER HOLLOWPOINT 1443 356.72” FEDERAL ACTIONPISTOL 150–GRAIN TSJ 841 235.81” HORNADY AMERICAN GUNNER 124–GRAIN 1006 303 572 135–GRAIN 1006 303 832 135–GRAIN 1092 303 103 303.87” AVERAGE.87”.87” AVERAGE.82’s 77-GRAIN 77-GRAIN 77-GRAIN 77-GRAIN 183 ONE a group of five-quarters of an inch. This is my favorite carry load. It was the most energetic of all six 9mm loads. It also has minimal felt recoil due to its light projectile weight. Gelatin testing has shown it to have more penetration than average and almost 100% weight retention, while expanding to approximately.70″. This is a standard pressure load, not +P, and gave my Shield Plus sufficient slide velocity to allow for proper cycling. While other loads were almost as accurate, the one thing that impressed me most was how the Shield Plus ate them all and never burped. The ammunitions have different bullet nose configurations, bullet lengths, and bullet weights. The Shield Plus handled them all flawlessly. The new Shield Plus Optics Ready pistol is optimized for concealed carry Smith & Wesson has everything a Concealed Carrier could need! It can hold a lot of bullets, is extremely reliable, and has a great deal accuracy. The Shield Plus OR pistol is a great choice for defense of your family and yourself. The suggested retail price for the Shield Plus OR pistol is $595 has more information. Smith & Wesson Shield PLUS OR (Optic Ready). Specs Model: S&W M&P9 Shield plus Optics Ready
Sku tested: 13536
U Code: 022188888669
Operation: Semi-auto. Locked Breech. Striker-Fired
Caliber/Capacity 9mm Luger, 10 +1 Flush-Fit and 13 +1 Extended Magazine, Both Included
Length: 6.1″
Width: 1.1″
Height: 4.6″
Weight: 19.4 Ounces
Barrel: 3.1″ Stainless Steel Armornite(r), Finish, 1:10″ RH5 Groove
Slide: Stainless Steel, Armornite(r), Finish
Sights: TruGlo Tritium Night Sights
Safety: Safety with the Manual Thumb
Guarantee: Lifetime Service Policy
MSRP: $595 Sign up for the Personal Defense World newsletter today! Sign up for our newsletter I have read and understood the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy and I hereby accept them. Athlon may collect, store, process, and transfer my Personal Data and Non-Personal Data for the purpose of signing me up for the email newsletter. Up Next The Big Lie – Mainstream Media’s Account Of Accidental Gun Deads. While accidental gun deaths are terrible, mainstream media exaggerates them to push for… by Mark Chesnut / February 2, 2022. Trending Korth and Nighthawk customs Dual Caliber Mongoose 2.75″ Cary Special Your Guide To Situational Awareness, Threat Assessment & Response Uberti USA adds 9mm to its line of single-action Old West Revolvers FN America issues a Safety Bulletin Concerning the 502 Pisson Shield Plus or Addsson Shield. A few firearms and ammunition manufacturers are invited to attend the three-day event, where they can meet Athlon’s top content creators. It’s a chance for industry executives to meet face-to-face and see the latest developments in a relaxed, unrushed environment. […]
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