Capstone is a respected company representing world-class ammunition, powder and component manufacturers Berger Lapua, Vihtavuori and SK. Capstone displayed new products from all of these brands at SHOT Show 2022. Here are brief summaries of the new products from SK and Lapua. Next week, we will be introducing new Berger products. New Lapua Centerfire Match Munition for 2022
Lapua makes some of the best factory-loaded centerfire ammunition anywhere in the world. Lapua 90gr 6mmBR ammunition was tested and produced verified groups that were well below quarter-MOA. Lapua has introduced three new match loads for 2022. They promise great consistency, accuracy, and reliability. Lapua has expanded its highly successful Scenar Match Target ammunition range by adding 6.5 Creedmoor (136 Grain Scenar)-L,.260 Remington (136 Grain Scenar–L), and.300 Winchester Magnum (185 Grain Scenar OTM) to 2022. Lapua Hunting Ammunition – 2022
Lapua’s Finnish ammo gurus know how to make hunting rounds that are extremely effective on game. Lapua has been making hunting ammunition for almost 100 years. The new hunting ammo offerings include the.223 Remington 50 grain Naturalis, 6.5 Creedmoor 56 Grain MEGA, and.300 Mag 170 Grain Naturalis (lead free). All of these hunting ammo types can be purchased now. New Lapua Cartridge Brass — Lapua Cartridge Brass 6.5 PRC..284 Win..300 PCC..300 Win Mag
Lapua cartridge brass sets a standard for quality brass. Lapua brass is used by the best competitors in all accuracy-oriented disciplines, including Benchrest for Score, Benchrest For Group, 1000-Yard Benchesrest, F-Class (Open, F-TR), Palma and Service Rifle. Varmint hunters who load their ammo themselves also love Lapua brass. Lapua has introduced new top-grade cartrige bar types in 2021 and 2022. There are new offerings now available for 6.5 PRC and.284 Winchester, as well as.300 PRC and.300 Winchester Magnum. All items are now available and shipping. SK High-Velocity Match Rimfire Munitions
SK now offers a high-velocity, extremely accurate round. SK will now offer High-Velocity Match.22 LR ammunition for 2022. The new SK ammunition pushes a 40gr round nose projectile at a very rapid 1,263 FPS muzzle velocity. This high-velocity SK ammunition is ideal for PRS/NRL22 matches as well as long-range rimfire events that have targets up to 300 meters. The new SK High-Velocity Match ammunition uses a proprietary propellant that is clean-burning and high-energy for reliable performance on all platforms, shot after shot. New Berger Bullets and Ammo for 2022 Coming Soon
Berger, another Capstone company is offering new bullets for 2022. Berger’s new offerings include Elite Hunter loaded ammunition, for the 6.5 and.300 PRCs, as well as new Berger.30 Caliber 245 grain Long Range Hybrid Target Bullets (LRHT). We will soon have a feature about these Berger products.