Concealed AZ
NO one wants to be in a situation where they have to draw a firearm on another person in self-defense. However, unfortunately sometimes it is warranted. If that time does come, a certain few rise to the occasion, ready to defend those around them – putting their own life onto harms way.
When this moment comes, there are vairios outcomes. You could draw, miss and scare the attacker away, or you could hit the attacker – either way Carrying a Concealed Weapon (CCW) is a huge commitment & responsibility. One that you best prepare for in case the time comes where you are in this particular situation.
There are many ways to do this, but in able to fully understand you need to know how things would play out.
What happens after I make the shot? DO I CALL 911? How do they know I was acting in self-defense? What do I say? Do I get arrested? What is an investigation like? Do I get my firearm back?
We will be writing a series answering all of these questions – starting with what happens immediately after you make the shot.
We have broken it down plainly, provided a timeline of what to expect out of a situation like this, and what you need to prepare for if you carry concealed for the first phase of dealing with this awful situation.

Next in our series we will discuss how to handle the arrest process from attorneys to how to behave.
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY If you don’t have CCW Insurance, we have put together a list of options, detailing specific pros, cons and details that will help you decide which options fit into your lifestyle best.
Remember, safety first and always be prepared.