March 6, 2023
For all 18 reasons to own a suppressor, read the full GunsAmerica Digest story. There are many reasons to buy a modern suppressor if you live in a state that allows silencers. The acquisition process has been simplified. SilencerCo, a vendor that can handle most of the legal paperwork, is now able to assist. There are many options for suppressors. SilencerCo can handle most of the legal paperwork. There are many. True Pearce, Editor at GunsAmerica Digest has written an excellent article on suppressors. Why a Silencer Might Prevent Dementia and 17 Other Reasons You Need to Use a Suppressor. Here are five of the 18 reasons the article outlines. We recommend that you read the entire story to see all 18 reasons. The full article is worth reading if you are considering purchasing a suppressor.
A suppressor can help prevent hearing loss. All firearm owners should be concerned about hearing loss. Firearms can be loud. An average firearm’s decibel level is 140-165 dB without a suppressor. This is what is known as an impulse noise. An impulse noise, also known as a gunshot, is a sound that lasts less than one second and is between 140-165 dB. Hearing aids and surgery cannot restore the hearing you have lost. Suppressors do not make your gun silent! They can reduce muzzle blast by making the impulse noise lower than 140 dB.
A suppressor reduces or eliminates muzzle flash. Flinching is often associated with recoil. However, many shooters find that suppressors on calibers with no recoil don’t cause them to suffer from noise, blast, concussion, or other effects. They don’t close their eyes, flinch or jerk the trigger.
A suppressor… reduces kick or recoil. Nobody likes to be punched in the shoulder. This is what happens when you shoot a lightweight centerfire magnum gun. Suppressors can be very effective in slowing down the recoil or [reducing it] significantly. A suppressor was used to stop a 12-year-old boy (70 lb) from shooting a 5.5-pound, 6.5 PRC. He smiled and said, “That didn’t kick at all!” Reason — Reduce Muzzle Rise for a Clearer View of the Target
Suppressors reduce muzzle raise and allow you to keep your shot on target throughout. This allows you to make your wind calls and corrects from the muzzle blast.
Suppressors stop snow, dirt, and other debris from blowing up when shooting prone. You’re familiar with muzzle brakes if you’ve ever shot.
True Pearce, GunsAmerica Digest Editor, hunts with his horses and suppressed rifle.
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