These two classic Winchester cartridges excel in many areas, but when it is about.300 Win. Mag. Mag. Photo: Wikipedia..300 Winchester Magnum vs..308 Magnum. Photo: Wikipedia..300 Winchester Magnum History, Development and UseThe.300 Winchester Magnum was created in the early 1960s to support the Magnum craze for hunting rifles. Because projectile technology was not as advanced as it is today, more powder meant better results. The idea was not new. Winchester was determined to create a medium-bore magnum with a standard-length action that could compete with the.300 Weatherby Magnum. To seat a.308 caliber bullet, the recipe involved trimming and necking down a case made of.375 H&H Magnum. The cartridge was released by Winchester in 1963 to little fanfare. It was a new magnum cartridge that would be used with the Model 70 rifle. Spread of.375 H&H Mangum round. Massaro Media Group. However, Winchester’s top brass made the mistake of changing the Model 70 two more years later. They were infamous for their arrogance. It also had a slow start due to the 7mm Remington Magnum. The.300 Win. Mag. It took some time for Mag. to catch on but eventually it was adopted by big game hunters across multiple continents. Mag. is highly accurate, effective for long-range applications and deadly on any game (except the African Big Five), while also being tolerable in terms recoil. Long-range competition shooters began to notice its outstanding performance in 1,000-yard matches. Many military and police forces around the world adopted it as a medium to long-range sniper rifle. It is considered to be effective up to 1,400 yards depending upon load and conditions. From left to right: The.375 H&H Magnum and the.300 Winchester Magnum. Massaro Media Group..30–06’s Little brother:.308 Winchester. The US military created.308 Winchester to imitate the M2 ball load from God’s Cartridge (a 150-grain projectile that has a muzzle velocity of 2,700 feet per second). They also wanted it to fit in a smaller case, an idea that was inspired by the.300 Savage. The experimental cartridge was eventually developed and could fire a 147-grain bullet at 2,800 feet per second at the muzzle. It was released on the commercial market in 1952 by Winchester, who gave it the name.308 Winchester. The same cartridge was adopted by NATO as 7.62x51mm NATO two years later. A spread of.308 Winchester ammunition. Massaro Media Group. Mag. Vs..308 Ballistics The 500-yard trajectory tables were created using ShootersCalculator. They assumed a 100-yard zero, 1.5-inch sight height, and a 10 mph 90 degree crosswind. There are many loads of both cartridges, so these tables should be considered illustrative rather than gospel. Mag. Mag. Mag. Mag. Modern high-BC bullets can make all the difference, especially in terms of long-range performance. This is.300 Win. Mag. Mag. It still has more energy at 1,400 yards than a.357 Magnum at the muzzle. However, a.308 Winchester loaded with the right load is no slouch. Here’s a 1,000-yard table of Hornady 168 grain ELD Match. It has a G1 BC.53 and a muzzle velocity at 2,700 fps. This.308 Winchester load is transonic at just over 1,200 yards and still has more energy at 1,000 feet than a.357 Magnum. However, this is a far cry from the high-BC.300 win. Mag. Mag. While.300 Win. Mag. Mag. An average 8.5-pound.300 Win. A Mag rifle that fires 190-grain ammo will produce 25.9 feet-pounds in recoil energy. This is compared to an 8-pound.308 Winchester rifle that fires 165-grain ammunition, which produces only 17.5 feet-pounds. The cheapest.308 online is 60 cents per ounce. Comparing the most expensive loads from each manufacturer, such as Hornady’s.300 Win. Mag. Mag. costs around 80 cents per turn more. Mag. Mag. The question is you. Both can hit targets at 1,000 yards with a match rifle. It’s not about whether you can pull it off. Snipers can hit effective hits up to 1,500m with the Win. Mag., but only to approximately 1,000 meters with.308. Both are used in Palma matches and F-Class matches. It’s clear that.300 Win is the best. Mag. Mag. Most people will not find this useful. .300 Win. Mag. Mag. The drawbacks are that the heavier-for-caliber/highest-BC bullets aren’t offered for .308; there’s just not enough case to seat the bullet and have enough room for propellant. Lapua .308 Winchester brass. Massaro Media Group. Semi-auto rifles can pose other problems, despite being amazing. The SCAR is as much a time-consuming as a Jeep, and can consume optics at shop rates. The FAL is not as accurate, the standard G3 is an ergonomic nightmare (the HK slap looks cool but running that charging hand SUCKS), and M14/M1A rifles may lose their zero sitting underground in a climate-controlled vacuum. This is in an area that has never experienced an earthquake. These are not the best options to achieve maximum accuracy, but the.308 Winchester has a lot of semi-autos that can be used. Mag. Mag. gives you a higher velocity and far more muzzle energy. It is the ideal middle ground for modern, high-BC projectiles. It kicks–23-27 foot-pounds of recoil depending upon the load and rifle-this is essentially what most shooters can bear. Mag. Its cost and the available rifles are also important. You should be able to shoot bolt-actions if you want to enter this cartridge. The Browning BAR Mark II Safari is a semi-auto rifle that can be used with this cartridge. It costs.300 Win. Mag..300 Win. Mag. Mag. It can be tiring to haul one around. Without a muzzle brake, any attempts to lighten it will only result in a sore shoulder. Mag. Mag. Mag. Mag. It has brought game to every corner of the globe, from Texas to Denali to Transvaal. It has brought down some very evil men. It has poked paper and rung steel at great distances around the globe. If you do your job, it will do its job. But so will.308, raising the question of whether.300 win. Mag. Mag. A Winchester Model 70 Classic Stainless chambered with.300 Win. Mag. The.308 can be used for hunting with good ammunition and shot placement. It can be used to plink at 1,000 yards and even in matches. Modern high-BC loads of.30-6 are available if you can’t bear the shorter case. Mag. Mag. Mag. Mag. .300 Win. Mag. Mag. It was for many people in the 1960s. It is not for everyone. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

Twin 30BR Score Rifles play Sunday GunDay: Thunder Down Under.
March 16th, 2025 Sunday GunDay: Thunder Down-Under — Twin 30BR Score Rifles This story, from our Gun of the Week Archives, offers a good intro to the 30 BR cartridge,