Updated 10/6/2022 It can go anywhere I go and do almost everything I need. It is just as important to be properly armed and equipped for all situations, including self-defense and the defense of others. Different types of people want their truck guns capable of doing different things. Some people need their truck guns for pulling coyote duty at their ranch, up to 500 yards. Some people need their truck guns to protect their family and themselves in close quarters. Others need them to pull coyote duty on their ranch out to 500 yards. My home is near the Shenandoah Mountains and my woods are full deer, bears and coyotes. My house is less than an hour away from heavy, stressful traffic in Northern Virginia. This can make it difficult for me to get my truck into situations where a firearm is not only necessary for sport, but also a necessity for my safety. It’s America’s favorite rifle. Most owners are familiar with it and have plenty of ammunition and magazines. It is obvious that the AR-15 would make a better truck gun if its stocks could be folded. There are many aftermarket folding stock assemblies available for AR-15s, which are worth looking into, but why not just get one that folds from the factory? Eugene Stoner’s next rifle design was the AR-18. This solved the problem by eliminating the need to use a buffer tube. Although it was not a huge success, the AR-18 has had an enormous impact on the designs of many rifles that followed. The Brownells BRN-180 from Brownells fits this bill. It is compatible with standard AR-15 magazines and lowers, making it a more appealing option than the Armalite original. Brownells does not sell the complete rifle. However, the BRN-180 upper can easily be used to assemble one with a folding Stock. This can be done using the BRN-180 lower, or any standard AR Lower with its buffer-tube opening filled with a Picatinny Rail adaptor. There are many Picatinny stock options available. They also offer a 10.5-inch barreled pistol version of the upper that could be mated with a folding pistol brace for an even more compact setup.BRN-180 Gen 2 16-Inch .223 Wydle Complete Upper MSRP: $969 // brownells.comMossberg Maverick 88 Top-Folding StockThere aren’t many situations a pump-action 12-gauge shotgun can’t handle, making them another great truck gun choice. A full-size shotgun, just like rifles, can fit in a large enough truck, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t offer more compact options. People think of small 12-gauge pumps without having to look into the NFA or registered SBSs. These stockless shotguns are very useful, but it takes practice and skill to use them correctly. A stock is essential if you want to hit the target, even if it’s not the best. It folds up to four inches shorter than the Shockwave but is much more usable. Although it is not as comfortable as a standard fixed-stock model, the tradeoff is worth it as the truck gun’s primary purpose is to avoid trouble. This is the perfect option if you need a 12-gauge pump to be your copilot. It is three-quarters the size of a standard model and is folded down to just 34 the length. MSRP: $283 // Mossberg.comMarlin Model 185 TrapperThe Marlin Model 1895 Trapper is chambered in 45/70 Government, which is all you need for stopping power in this world and the next. A lever-action rifle is small, powerful, and reliable. This has been the standard truck gun for thousands of Americans since before we began writing about truck guns. I would choose a Model 1895 Trapper in the.45-70 Government, and ignore my gut reaction to Winchester. The gun features a 16.5 inch barrel, Skinner sights, and a big-loop Western style lever. This is more than just for looks. It is easy to use the big loop even with gloves on. A.45-70 Govt. You can stop any threat, no matter if it’s a T-Rex or a grizzly bear. It’s easy to find ammo, it’s small and doesn’t kick as much, and it has plenty of bite. A lever-action rifle is perhaps the best gun for a defensive situation. Perhaps a.45/70 is not your thing. The lever-action rifle isn’t just for shooters who like cowboy hats and old Westerns. It works, it comes with lightweight and small sizes, and you can choose from cartridges that are as big or small as your heart desires. The Scorpion EVO 3 S1 Carbine, a semiautomatic rifle 9mm Luger-fed, gives 20 rounds per magazine. The gun’s profile changes from a 34.75 inch overall length to a mere 24.5 inches with the stock folded. Is the 9mm Luger the best cartridge to use with a truck gun’s truck gun? This is a huge debate. However, if your handgun can fire 9mm Lugers and your truck gun can, that makes a lot more sense to me. There are smaller versions of the Scorpion that you can buy as pistols, but I prefer the solid shape and size of the rifle in my hands. My truck has enough space for a Scorpion EVO3 S1 Carbine. MSRP: $1,429 // CZ-USA.comSavage 110 Scout RifleThe Savage Arms Model 110 Scout Rifle was designed to be a can-do gun capable sustaining short- and long-range firepower while being small, light, and accurate. Lever actions. Pumps. Semi-automatics. A bolt-action rifle can be used as a truck gun. Yes, the battle-proven bolt action rifle can be and should be a great choice as a truck gun. The Savage Scout Rifle in.308 Winchester would be the one I would choose if I had to pick just one bolt-action rifle for a job like that of a trusted truck weapon. Colonel Jeff Cooper designed the scout gun to be a master-of all-trades, jack-of–all rifle. It just seems too logical to put a scout rifle inside your truck. There are many high-quality scout guns on the market, but I can’t find a better choice for my hard-earned money than the Savage Arms 110 Scout. The rifle can be fed via a detachable magazine, so you can keep multiple loaded mags in your truck. You can also choose your flavor. The.308 Winchester is not enough for you. This is a good selection, covering just about everything you would expect a truck rifle should handle. MSRP: $919 // Savagearms.comBe Prepared! When Disaster Strikes, Store Won’t Stock the Supplies5 Pandemics That Could wipe out Humanity TomorrowHunting guns: More important than survival food?Let’s make a list: Best Survival GunsPrepping Tips For Apartment RentersCZ 75/85Every truck requires a handgun. Fortunately, there are many options available to suit our needs. There are three main options: 1911-style pistols, striker-fired pistols, and revolvers. Your everyday carry gun becomes your truck gun as soon as you get in your truck. However, it is a good idea to have a truck-dedicated gun. Me? Me? The 9mm Luger combat handgun, military-issued 9mm Luger, was designed to handle war. It is a good handgun that I shoot well. CZ no longer makes the 85B, but it is still a great handgun. It can be used as an everyday carry gun or as an EDC/truck gun. It fits well in my hand, shoots well, and is easy to store in small spaces. Plus, the Micro 9 (LG) models comes standard with Crimson Trace laser grips, which are an exceptional asset to have on a dedicated truck gun — or in any situation.MSRP: Starts at $735 // kimberamerica.comWilson Combat ARP Tactical PistolThe Wilson Combat ARP Tactical Pistol may be the ideal truck gun for you, offering a variety of cartridge choices, short- and long-range capabilities, compact size and reliability.Another fine choice is the Wilson Combat ARP Tactical Pistol. Do you need a punch? This thing can throw lead like Mike Tyson did — fast and furious. You can get it in a variety cartridges including 5.56 NATO/.223 Rem., 6.8 SPC, 7.62×40 WT, and.300 Blackout. It is small at just 27 inches and can hold plenty of ammunition in its detachable magazines. It is 6.3 pounds in weight and comes with a pistol support to keep you steady when you engage it. You can mount any optic you want, but it comes with iron sights as well.MSRP: $2,425 // wilsoncombat.comTruck Gun Lock-Up OptionsAside from the actual firearms, truck guns ought to have truck gun tools to keep the guns safe yet accessible and ready for your needs. There are many manufacturers that make accessories for truck gun owners. But I love the Hornady and Tuffy Security options for truck gun tools. These tools can be used to keep your guns safe and accessible, and also allow you to move your truck to and fro to your campsite, hotel room, or wherever else you might be going. As in the ammunition company. Yes. These lockable storage boxes are great for many situations. Lock boxes can be easily transferred from your vehicle to your home, hotel room, campsite, or anywhere else you might need them. Lock boxes come in a variety of sizes and shapes, locking methods and storability — choose from those featuring RFID or biometric technology, or one that operates with a good ol’ key from the key ring you’ve already got hanging from your ignition.Hornady.com/securityTuffy SecurityNo one wants their truck gun to fall into the wrong hands, and Tuffy Security offers clever lockable storage solutions for most vehicles.I know Tuffy Security specifically makes a lockable storage cover for a compartment behind the back seat of my Toyota Tacoma, which is an ideal place for a truck gun, some ammo and other bug-out gear. They also make a clever under-hood security lockbox, and a lockable center console box that fits perfectly for my truck — and likely yours as well.TuffyProducts.comIf you have a truck — heck, the same goes for a car — you ought to make sure it’s equipped to handle whatever situations it and you may find yourself in these days. It is essential to have a reliable weapons platform that is easily accessible, secure from sticky fingers, and free from unintended consequences in order to be able to safely operate in your day-to-day life. To be safe in your day-to-day life, you need a weapon platform that is easily accessible and free from unintended consequences. Storm Tactical’s impressive target pack includes62 printable targets for rifle and handgun range. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

Twin 30BR Score Rifles play Sunday GunDay: Thunder Down Under.
March 16th, 2025 Sunday GunDay: Thunder Down-Under — Twin 30BR Score Rifles This story, from our Gun of the Week Archives, offers a good intro to the 30 BR cartridge,