Accuracy, Velocity, and Temp Stability — How to Get All Three

January 28, 2022Accuracy Velocity & Temperature Stability — How to Achieve all ThreeThis USAMU article examines three different “Philosophies” of precision reloading. Handloaders strive to produce ammo with the tightest groups possible (without considering the wind). Others shooters load ammo to achieve the highest safe velocity. Because a projectile fired at a higher velocity will travel less in the wind, Even though fast ammo may not produce the tightest groups under zero wind conditions, it will still yield higher scores in the real world (where there is wind). Some handloaders prefer ammo that is consistent across a wide temperature range. This last philosophy dictates selection of a powder that is temp-insensitive, even if it may not produce the very best raw accuracy (or speed).What’s Your Handloading Philosophy?Objectives of Reloading — Accuracy, Velocity, Temp Stability
What do you, as the reader, value most in your handloads of information?Viewpoint ONE – Accuracy is more important than everything

Some shooters value consistent, high-quality medium/long range accuracy so much that they are willing to sacrifice some velocity (and less wind deflection) in order to achieve it. Their philosophy could be summarized as “Superior accuracy can be present for every shot, but wind isn’t.” This type of decision is made by one’s ability to hold well, aim accurately and read the wind. The photo below shows incredible raw accuracy. This is a 0.67?, 10-shot group at 300 yards fired from a text fixture. This group measures 0.67?. This is the USAMU’s 600-yard load of 75gr bullets. Viewpoint TWO: Load to the Highest Safe Velocity for Less Wind Drifting

Shooters are accustomed to shooting at the highest safe velocity. Even if their mechanical accuracy at medium/long distance isn’t as good, some shooters value this. This theory seems to suggest that a good hold will extract the most mechanical accuracy from the rifle/ammo, and faster bullets will equal occasional “bonus” points taken from the jaws by wind. One of the many Service Rifle National Champions at USAMU revealed his philosophy. It can be summarized as follows: A super-accurate but slow load required him to have a Ph.D. on wind reading for every shot. A faster, but more accurate load netted him higher points. This was not speculation. His score book data supported his claims due to less wind effects. Remember, however, this fellow has a consistent, National Championship-level hold, and other Champions on the same team would have opted differently.Viewpoint THREE: Temperature Stability Is Key

Another approach is to emphasize fine accuracy and absolute stability in changing temperatures. This was the goal of this writer when he was actively working towards his Distinguished Rifleman Badge. Why? EIC (“Leg”) matches do not allow sighting shots. The barrel’s first shot was for scoring. It had to be 100% consistent with a predictable elevation and wind direction regardless of ambient temperature. It was essential that the wind effects and elevation zeros were consistent each time. This camp could include military snipers and hunters. He/she can correct any sighter errors that occur on any given day if there is zero change. This writer recalls speaking with a very high-ranking Service Rifle competitor. He/she can correct during sighters if there is a zero change on any given day. Loads that were built in winter may not be able to work in summer. This article is restricted to NRA High Power Rifle competition. It has a relatively large 10-ring dimension in relation to the accuracy well-built competition rifles. It should hopefully provide some food for thought. This might be a chance to ensure that one’s load development approach is helping them achieve their desired results. Similar Posts

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