Most shooting enthusiasts believe that the.270 Weatherby cartridge was developed in order to meet the demand for the caliber following the success of the.300 Weatherby Magnum. In fact, the.270 is the first in the line of.300 H&H cases that Roy Weatherby developed. This was in 1943 after experiments with a.220 Swift improved by Weatherby and called the.220 Rocket. Weatherby’s interest in high-velocity hunting began with the.270 Winchester. This culminated in his starting a commercial gun business in September of 1945.General CommentsThis is an excerpt from Cartridge’s Of The World, available now at popularity of the .270 Winchester made it almost mandatory for Roy Weatherby to include this cartridge in his line of commercial magnum rifles. The.270 Weatherby Magnum is used extensively and successfully on all species of North American large game. It has also been successful on African plains games. The.270 Weatherby Magnum can also be used for varmint hunting. The 100-grain round bullet is perfect for this application, making the.270 Weatherby Magnum an all-around versatile cartridge. The.270 Weatherby Magnum cartridge is easy to reload and economical. Empty cases are also available. It is not a case that lends itself to reduced loads. Instead, it performs best with full or near-full charges. This is a great choice for hunters who want to have varmint hunting capabilities in their big game rifle. This is one of Weatherby’s most popular cartridges. Editor’s Note: The following article is an excerpt from Gun Digest’s Cartridge’s Of The World.Raise your Ammo IQ.NEXT STEP Download Your Free Storm Tactical Printing Target Pack62 Printable MOA targets with DOT drills – Rifle range in YARDSThis impressive pack of 62 printable targetsfrom our friends at Storm Tactical includes 62 printable targetsfor handgun and rifle range use. The target grids and bullseyes are in MOA. Subscribe to the Gun Digest newsletter and we will send you your print-at home target pack immediately. Enter your email below.

Twin 30BR Score Rifles play Sunday GunDay: Thunder Down Under.
March 16th, 2025 Sunday GunDay: Thunder Down-Under — Twin 30BR Score Rifles This story, from our Gun of the Week Archives, offers a good intro to the 30 BR cartridge,