March 15th 2022 Anti-Hunting Groups Want to Ban Transport of Harvested GameReport Based On Article by NSSF
The Center for Biological Diversity (CBDC) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) are two anti-hunting groups that want to severely limit hunting in the USA. These two groups have petitioned the U.S. These two organizations have petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and Department of the Interior. They asked for a ban on the transport of wild animals and birds across state lines. This would have a devastating impact on hunting in the USA. The petition by anti-hunting groups calls to ban interstate transport of live animals as well as meat, hide, and antlers from harvested animals. These groups want regulation to address the problem of hunters who transport animals from other states. They are asking the USFWS to issue rules that would allow hunters to bring back their meat, hides, and horns from another state. They are using a rule-making process to impose a radical anti hunting agenda without the input of lawmakers. Ryan Zinke, former Interior Secretary, stopped the attempt. The petition by the groups would amend the Lacey Act regulations to ban the importation, transport, or acquisition wild animals. The USFWS regulates interstate transport and importation of wild animal. This is a death knell for hunting in the United States. Extremist anti-hunting groups have filed hundreds of lawsuits
The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), and the Natural Resources Defense Council, (NRDC) are both known extremist anti-hunting organizations. The Center for Biological Diversity claimed that it had sued the Trump administration 266 different times. The Center for Biological Diversity also sued the Environmental Protection Agency to stop them from banning traditional ammunition. The suit was dismissed by a federal judge. The group claims that hunting traditional ammunition is the same thing as industrial dumping. The case was dismissed three more times, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit is appealing for the third time. Many of the same lawsuits have been brought against the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Center for Biological Diversity. The NRDC will often petition for a change in the rules and then sue the agencies if it feels the agency is taking too much time. This is a direct threat for the 15 million Americans who purchase hunting licenses each year. These actions must be challenged since 23 states have statutes and/or State Constitutional provisions that guarantee citizens’ rights to hunt or fish. The NSSF says hunters should fight back: “The petition halting hunting in its tracks it irresponsible. It is dangerous and could be harmful to America’s wild scenes. This is an opportunity for USFWS/DOI to reject political special interest, but also for all hunters, outdoormen, and women to recognize how extremist groups are using government bureaucracies against their rights. “Fighting Legal Problems to Hunting On Federal Lands” In a related development, Safari Club International and Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and NRA-ILA filed motions for dismissal of a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision that more hunting and fishing opportunities are available on more than 2.3million acres of land at 106 National Wildlife Refuges. Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Erica Tergeson (NRA-ILA’s director for hunting policy) stated that the National Wildlife Refuge System was established to provide more opportunities for families to enjoy traditional outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, and hiking. “Denying access on more than 2.3million acres is against the whole concept of public lands. “Where is hunting permitted in your state?” Click the map below to see more information: On the website click any state on an interactive MAP. Resource links will load.
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