Gun owners spend a lot of money on gear and guns. A wiser investment is the development of a mindset, tactics and marksmanship that will save your life.What Should Defensive Firearms Training Involve:Ideal training involes a proper understanding of the applications of self-defense.It turns an eye to developing the proper mindset to act in the face of a threat.The tactics are applicable to everyday situations most will encounter.Marksmanship, gun manipulation and safety are emphasized. “Somewhere in your firearm is the bullet that will solve all your problems.” It might be one of the first, or the last, depending on how you look at it,” says David “Boon” Benton. There are many lessons to be learned from that quote. Many people who carry a gun for protection purposes often get too involved in their gear. They may obsess over the gun they have or the ammunition it contains, but they often forget that it is not the gun or ammunition that will save their lives. There’s nothing wrong with purchasing the best defensive handgun in this world. If you are serious about self-defense, you need to learn how to use it. For years, I have spent most of my time writing about guns. This is partly due to the fact that gun magazines are bought by readers who want to learn about guns and ammunition. Shooters spend more money on ammunition and guns than they do on training. As a result, instructors and schools don’t have much money to spend advertising. This magazine is not a firearms training magazine. It is a gun magazine, not a handgun magazine. However, it is important to remember that the handgun and ammunition you use will have little impact on your ability to survive, your ability to apply tactics, and where your bullets land. You have the bullet that will solve your problem somewhere in your gun. What is more important than mindset, training, and marksmanship? It’s mostly due to time and money. Humans are reluctant to spend their time on things that cost money. We don’t mind spending money but we want something tangible to prove it. Time is our most precious commodity. We don’t mind paying $500 per month for a car, as we have a nice car to drive around in. A $500 monthly car payment is not a problem for most people. They have a nice new car to drive around in. A man with an old Smith & Wesson model 10 loaded with 38 Special hollowpoint ammunition is better equipped to survive than a untrained tactard with a Glock loaded up with the most advanced ammunition. Caribou Media Group might earn a commission on qualifying purchases. We are grateful for your support. There are many reputable schools such as Gunsite Academy. But there may be other lesser-known options that you are not aware of. I was able to spend a week in local law enforcement training led by Dave “Boon”, who owns Threat Management Solutions. He isn’t known for his role in Benghazi’s capture, but he is focused on teaching you how you can stay alive, not telling you war stories. Boon’s knowledge is a transfer from 25 years of experience in intelligence operations and high-threat security. Below is David “Boon”, a member of a SWAT team, working on the range. Boon is available to train all over the United States. Boon teaches you the theory and the principles and then helps you to build your mental, tactical, marksmanship, and gun handling skills. Boon is not like other instructors who tell you to do something a certain manner without explaining why. He shows you how to do it, explains why it should be done that way, and then ties it back to the practical operational principles that kept him alive when the sh*t hit. It could be the first or the last bullet. It is possible to miss that bullet if you don’t have the right training or luck. Boon was a great instructor and I learned a lot. I now believe that my magazine has many bullets that will solve my problems. With enough training, maybe one day I’ll believe every bullet in my gun solves problems. It might not be as satisfying to spend your money on training as it is to buy a new, supercool handgun. It might not seem as rewarding to spend your money on training as buying a new handgun or a supercool handgun. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be found in MOA. Perfect for long-range shooting! Get free targets

Primer Types and How They Job
March 19th, 2025 Winchester Pistol Primers on bench. Photo courtesy There is an excellent article about primers on the Shooting Times website. We strongly recommend you read Mysteries And