July 26th, 2021
Bargain Finder305: AccurateShooter’s Deals of Week
We offer select “Deals of the week” as a request from our readers. Our Best Bargain selections are available every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. Here are the best deals on firearms and accessories, including hardware, reloading parts, optics, and accessories. Remember that clearance inventory is final and prices can change. You snooze you lose.
1. Midsouth — Birthday Sale – Rifle Kits and Ammo, Bullets and Mags
? Big Discounts on AR Kits and Hornady Bullets, Pistol Load packs, and Other Accessories
Midsouth Shooters celebrates its 52nd anniversary with a huge Birthday Sale. A complete AR kit includes everything you need except the Lower at $70 off You can also get a 9mm Reloaders Pack that includes 1000 115gr bullets and 500 pieces unprimed brass. Midsouth has a large selection of Hornady Bullets for sale in 500-ct “sleeves”. You can find both rifle bullets (.224 and.308) as well as pistol (9mm, 38mm,.45,.45) at huge discounts. There are also loaded ammo for 9mm Luger (.223 Rem) and 5.56×45(.223 Rem). You can also get ten (30) 30rd AR magazines starting at $99.00
2. 2.
? Removable lower receiver, Picatinny Rails, good trigger, great cost
This is a fun semi-auto.22 LR rifle for a ridiculously low price of $219.99 at Sportsman’s Warehouse. The Winchester Wildcat can take Ruger 10/22 mags. It has great features such as a field-removable lower receiver and ambidextrous controls. There are also integral Picatinny rails, rear barrel access, and integrated Picatinny rails. It shoots well and has a great trigger. The Wildcat is a better choice than the Ruger 10/22 in many aspects, while being significantly cheaper. It is easy to remove the lower receiver assembly from the upper assembly by pressing a button. No tools are required.
3. Midsouth — Lyman Gen6 Powder Scale/Dispenser, $218.99
? Reliable — good value, nice shielded design with side ports
This Lyman Gen6 Powder System, like the RCBS ChargeMaster will automatically dispense powder charges and weigh them. This unit features a touch screen, rapid warm-up, anti-static/anti-drift technology, and electronic shielding to resist interference from other electronic devices. A side port allows you to quickly drain the powder. This Lyman Gen6 Scale/Dispenser can be purchased at Midsouth right now for $218.99 This is a great deal, as the same Lyman unit can be purchased elsewhere for $293.99.
4. Grafs.com – Leupold SX4 Spotting Scopes, $699.99 / $899.99
? Save $100 on Angled and Straight spotters, 65mm and 85mm objection
Graf & Sons is offering a discount on Leupold SX4 PRO Guide Spotting Scopes. Straight or angled, choose from the big 85mm front objective or smaller 65mm. All SX4 models eligible for $100 off The smaller model is better for hunting/varminting and the larger 85mm for competition spotter duties. This optic is high-quality and comes with a great warranty. The angled version is best for prone shooting.
5. Midsouth — Lyman Tac-Mat Shooting Mat, $56.63
? A thick padded mat provides more comfort and is easy to carry.
Comfort is important when you’re stuck on the ground for hours. This Lyman Tac-Mat 711 is our favorite? 36 x 36 Shooting mat. It is more comfortable than other mats on the marketplace and has more padding. This is a great deal at $56.63 on Midsouth. Amazon sells the same Lyman shooting mat for $89.89.
6. Amazon — Frankford Case Tumbler Master Kit, $73.99
? This combo kit has been very useful for us over many seasons.
It is important to keep your brass clean. Frankford Arsenal Quick N-EZ Case Tumbler Master Set is a great option if you are looking for an affordable way to clean cartridge brass. Everything you need to dry-tumble brass and remove media is included in the Frankford Arsenal Quick-N-EZ Case Tumbler Master Kit. All this is available for only $73.99 A good vibratory tumbler could cost as much as that.
7. LAXAmmo — TulAmmo 9mm Ammo 1000 rounds, $319.89
? Great deal on 9mm Luger ammo — $16 per 50rd box
This 9mm TulAmmo ammo can be used for pistol practice. This Russian-made, steel-cased ammo is very attractive because of its LOW PRICE. 1000 rounds for $319.89 — this works out to $16 for a 50rd box ($0.32/round), which is a third of what vendors are asking for 9mm Luger ammunition. 500 rounds can be purchased for $169.95. NOTE: This ammo does not contain any corrosives. It is not reloadable because it comes in STEEL cases.
8. Amazon — Bluetooth Digital Anemometer for $25.99
? Measures wind velocity using Bluetooth connection to Smartphone App
You need to know the wind speed in order to shoot at long distances. This digital “smart” Digital Annemometer (windmeter), records the Max/Min/Average wind speeds, as well as the ambient temperature. These are displayed on-screen. The unit can also send wind readings via Bluetooth to your smartphone. This allows you to mount the windmeter downrange and view wind speeds through a smartphone app. The base of the unit is threaded for tripod mounting. This is an impressive system for less than thirty dollars.
9. Amazon — EILIKS Multitool Kit, $32.99
? This versatile kit is great for camping and vehicle use
The 24-piece EILIKS Multitool Kit is a great addition to your vehicle. This kit includes a survival knife and flashlight as well as 22 other emergency survival tools, including paracord bracelets and wire saws, water bottle clips, emergency blankets, whistle, saber cards, survival pen, multi-use spoonfork, carabiners, and 4 ishing tools. The entire 8x4x2? kit is included. The complete 8?x4?x2? kit can fit in most vehicle glove boxes. It can also be attached to a belt or pack with the included ranger band. The list price was $48.99 so the $32.99 price represents 33% off.
10. Midsouth — Radians Outback Shooting Glasses, $5.88
? High quality, name-brand eyewear — Buy multiples at this price
Every shooter should have eye protection every time they go to the shooting range. Midsouth currently has Radians Clear Lens Outback Shooting Glasses at $5.88. These ANSI Z87.1 Radians shooting glasses offer 99.9% UVA/UVB coverage with the coated lenses. These glasses offer excellent wrap-around protection, are lightweight and very comfortable. An included neck cord is also available. You can purchase 3-4 sets for $5.88 and keep spares in your car so you always have protection for your eyes and your friends.
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Tags: Bargains, Deals of the Week, Lower Receiver Optics Sale, Pistol Sales