Here’s the best 7mm Rem. Mag. Mag. 7mm Remington Magnum is a popular hunting cartridge. Mag. Mag. You can also specialize by finding 7mm Rem. Mag. Mag. What are the best loads to buy? The History of the 7mm Remington Magnum Bowman had observed that hunters who shoot moderate calibers were more accurate during his guiding career. O’Connor also agreed with this observation. Bowman wanted a moderate cartridge that was a bit more powerful than the.270 Winchester. O’Connor sent Bowman a rifle chambered with.275 H&H Magnum, a British hunting cartridge. This was in effect a hot-rodded 7x57mm Mauser. It more or less met his needs. .275 H&H Magnum. Photo: Wikipedia. It was difficult to find ammunition for the.275 H&H Magnum, so Bowman created a wildcat to try to replicate the British cartridge. Bowman managed to do this by acquiring.338 Win. Mag. Brass to 7mm. Fred Huntington of RCBS rehambered the Pfeifer barrel. Bowman finally installed the Remington Model 721. Bowman’s clients loved the gun and cartridge. They found it to be eminently shotable and wickedly effective against all species, pronghorn and grizzlies. It was dubbed.280 Remington Magnum. Remington employees Mike Walker and Wayne Leek hired Bowman to guide them, and they became friends after they tried his rifle. They came up with the idea of a hot 7mm cartridge that could be sold along with their rifle. Leek and Walker flew Bowman from London to meet with the board. This proved to be a success. Remington’s method was to reduce.375 H&H Magnum brass down to standard action length and then neck it down to the.284 caliber. The factory loads were 150-grain CoreLokt, at 3,260 fps, and 175-grain CoreLokt, at 3,020. fps. Although there were other 7mms that were hot (7mm Mashburn, 7mm Weatherby Magnum) Bowman’s original.284-338 was slightly milder with a 160-grain bullet and 3,050 feet per second. The Model 700 rifle was the first to use the cartridge and it was immediately successful. The two cartridges are almost inseparable today, just as the Model 70 and the.270 Winchester cartridge. It has remained a top-selling cartridge due to its mild recoil (on par.30-06), but its relatively flat trajectory and track record on game animals, it’s been a great seller ever since. A Remington Model 700 chambered to 7mm Rem. Mag. Photo by Rock Island Auction Company.7mm Rem. Mag. BallisticsThe 7mm Remington Magnum is available with lighter (and more expensive) bullets. However, the 140- to 150-grain loads, 160-grain loads, and 150-grain loads are most common. There are many 175-grain bullets that can be made in.284 caliber. However, these bullets are more often loaded in hotter 7mm cartridges like 7mm Weatherby or 7mm Remington Ultra. A 150-grain jacketed, soft point factory load is the most popular today. It’s loaded to around 3,100 feet per second and consumes around 3,200 foot-pounds energy. G1 ballistic coefficients for rote JSP 150 grain loads are approximately.340. Here’s a 500-yard trajectory chart for such a load, 150 grain Remington CoreLokt (G1 BC.346; advertised muzzle velocity of 3,110 feet per second). This table was created using ShootersCalculator, with a 200-yard zero, 1.5-inch sight height, a 90 degree crosswind of 10 mph, and zero corrections to atmosphere. Mag. Mag. These old 150-grain pills, at 700 yards, are actually faster and carry more energy than a normal 125-grain.357 Magnum at their muzzle. Another area where 7mm Rem. Mag. Mag. shines in the maximum point-blank range. MPBR can be defined as 4 inches above or below point of aim. MPBR is approximately 320 yards. The bullet has dropped 3.28 MOA at 400 yards and just under 6 MOA at 500 yards. This makes it possible to place even inexpensive JSP at great distances, as you might expect. Here’s a table showing the same 150-grain load, but with a 25 yard zero range. Hornady’s Precision Hunter load with ELDX bullets, for example, has incredible long-range capabilities. Here’s a 1,000-yard trajectory for the 162-grain load (2,940 FPS, G1 BC at.613). This table uses a 200-yard zero. The bullet is still supersonic at 1,000 feet with a greater velocity and energy at the muzzle than a.357 Magnum. It is a formidable cartridge that can reach 500 yards using older bullets and an MPBR Zero (old-school method). It’s a long-range hunter’s dream with modern loadings. Is 7mm Rem. Mag. Too Big For Deer? What is it good for? No, 7mm Rem. Mag. Mag. It is considered to be the best medium-to-large game cartridge. The 7mm Remington Magnum bullet is a smaller bullet with a higher velocity. This gives the bullet a bit more power than medium velocity 6mm to7mm bullets, and as much as or more velocity than.30 caliber cartridges. Although the recoil is not unbearable, it can be managed. The classic 150-grain loading produces approximately 19 foot-pounds. It’s roughly the same as.30-6. The projectiles with smaller and longer bullets also deliver 7mm Rem. Mag. Mag. It tends to drop slightly compared to.308 or.30-06. Classically, 7mm Remington Magnum shooters enjoyed the best of it between 100 and 500 yards. It can take any North American game, including grizzly bears or African plains game up until the elands. A ballistic gel test to demonstrate the capabilities of 7mm Rem. Mag. It is easy to see that the cartridge can handle almost any game, except the largest. Photo: Black Hills Ammunition.Modern heavy-for-caliber/high-BC loads can push the useful range even further, however, and it is absolutely a solid choice for longer-range backcountry hunts for bighorn sheep, mountain goats, elk, moose, caribou and black bear. It is capable of taking whitetails and hogs at shorter distances, but its strengths will be mostly overlooked within 200 yards due to the recoil, weight, and report of most rifles. It is also foolish to chamber it with a compact rifle, as the velocity advantage is negated. Although 7mm calibers can be used in benchrest and F Class rifle cartridges, the recoil produced by them is much higher than what match shooters can tolerate. The 7mm-08, its milder cousin, was once ridiculously common in NRA rifle contests. But 7mm Remington Magnum has never been. Its best use is as a hunting cartridge, for anything except the great bears and large African game at long distances. What are the best loads? The Best 7mm Rem. Mag. Mag. This is the original load. It’s also one of the most widely distributed and affordable. This load is ideal for hunting any North American game within 400 yards of the great bears. Bullet Weight: 150 grsBullet Type : Soft pointMuzzle Velocity : 3,110 fpsMuzzle Energie : 3,221 foot-poundsG1BC: 0.346MSRP/Stret Price : $40162-Grain Hornady Precision HunterThe 7mm Remington Magnum ELD-X bullet in Hornady’s Precision Hunter Load has absurdly long legs, making it a great modern hunting load. It’s light enough to hunt medium-sized game closer, but not too heavy to shoot black bears, moose, and elk at close range. Bullet Weight: 162 gramsBullet Type : Tipped hollow-point hollow-pointMuzzle Velocity : 2,940fpsMuzzle Energie : 3,109ft-lbsG1 BC : 0.613MSRP/Stret Price : $60150-Grain Federal Premium nosler ballistic tipNosler Ballistic Tipp is what you might call a “budget-friendly” premium. It offers a premium bullet at an affordable price that won’t make anyone’s eyes a price that won’t cause a lot. The Nosler BT bullet is a fast-opening, tipped bullet. It is ideal for hunters who want to take long-distance shots at smaller game and have a better bullet than legacy soft point loads. Bullet Weight: 150 grBullet Type : Tipped flat-base hollow pointMuzzle Velocity : 3,025 fpsMuzzle Energie : 3,047 foot poundsG1 BC : 0.495MSRP/Street price: $50Winchester Expedition Big Game 168g AccuBond LRWinchester Expedition loads are some the most effective long-range hunting loads available. It is loaded with Nosler AccuBond-LR bullets (high BC and bonded) for superior aerodynamic efficiency and efficacy on target. This is the load for you if you want a long-range load that can take everything from bears to ibex at half a mile (or longer). Bullet Weight: 168 grBullet Type : Tipped boattail bonded hollow pointMuzzle Velocity : 2,900 fpsMuzzle Energie : 3,137 foot-poundsG1 BC : $60Raise your Ammo IQ. Download your Storm Tactical Printable Target pack62 Printable MOA Targets – Rifle Range – YARDSThis amazing target pack is from Storm Tactical and contains 62 printable targets for rifle and handgun range usage. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

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