September 19, 2022. Late last week, CMP announced that the 2022 Oklahoma CMP Games, and Highpower Rifle & Pistol Matches, were cancelled. They were scheduled for October 16-23 2022. CMP was informed that less than 50 competitors had registered, so they decided to cancel the event. All match fees paid and registered will be refunded. Here’s the CMP:OKLAHOMA CMP Games & CMP HP rifle MATCHES statement
CANCELLED, OCTOBER 16-23 2022 Dear CMP Oklahoma Games Competitors. Although we had hoped for another return to the Oklahoma City Gun Club in 2022, we have made the difficult decision that we will cancel the event. We are certain that there are many factors that influence participants’ decision not to participate in this year’s CMP Oklahoma Games. It’s financially and practically impossible to host the event if the participant count is lower than half of what we would need. You will be refunded in full if you have already paid for your match events. CMP Oklahoma Games participants are deeply thanked by the CMP. We hope to continue serving your marksmanship needs in the future. Sincerely,
Christie Sewell, CMP Programs Chief
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