CCW 101: All Major Types Of Pistols

Are you looking for your first handgun Are you new to concealed carry? To help you choose the right concealed carry weapon, we break down the major types of pistols. Let’s take a look at the most important types of pistols, revolvers, and concealable carriers. Semi-Autos/Pistols vs. Revolvers Most handguns can either be classified as a semi-automatic or revolver. Semi-auto pistols work by feeding bullets into the barrel. They do this by taking them out from a magazine. This is a box that has a spring inside it. The spring pushes the bullets upwards. The slide is pushed into the chamber by the slide as it pushes the next bullet into place. Some of the energy from a cartridge’s firing causes the slide to move backwards, ejecting the case and simultaneously loading a new round. These weapons were known as self-loading or automatic loading in the past. However, semi-automatic is the preferred term. A revolver has a cylindrical attached to it. The cylinder spins when the trigger is pulled and the hammer is cocked. The cylinder holds the cartridges and aligns one bullet with the barrel when it stops. Semi-automatic revolvers are significantly different from revolvers in a few ways. First, revolvers store ammunition in a cylinder, rather than a magazine. Each cartridge is kept in its own chamber, which rotates in line with the barrel. Second, revolvers load the next round using mechanical actuation and not the energy from a fired cartridge. The type of revolver will determine how the cylinder is turned. It can be done by pulling the trigger or cocking your hammer. The part that hits the bullet, the firing pin, is powered by spring tension. It’s almost like a mousetrap. The firing pin is launched into a bullet’s primer by a striker or an internal hammer. Single-Action: No matter if the gun is semi-auto or revolver, single action-only (SAO), hammer-fired guns must be cocked before they are allowed to fire. These guns have a single action, which is to release the hammer. This is why the name says so. The hammer is cocked and the spring is fully compressed. This is held in place by a mechanical block called the sear. When you pull the trigger, it releases the hammer into a firing pin and the primer explodes. Some common single-action-only handguns you’re likely to still see include the 1911, the Browning Hi Power and the Colt SAA revolver.A Colt SAA cocked and ready to fire.Striker-FireStriker-fired guns don’t have a hammer, but instead use a firing pin with an extra part on the end called a striker. The slide cycles and captures a firing pin that is either under full or partial spring tension depending on the model. Pulling the trigger releases the firing pin which moves forward and detonates primer. Striker-fired handguns remain the most popular type of pistol today. You’ll find them in everything from Glocks, Sigs, Rugers, and others. The spring that powers the firingpin (or the hammer that hits the it) is not compressed when you lower the hammer, so there is no spring tension. The gun is ready to fire when the trigger is pulled. These triggers perform two actions, cocking and releasing a hammer. They are also called double-action. These include most modern revolvers as well as many semi-autos, including the legacy Wonder Nines like the Beretta 92 and HK USP pistols. Double-action mode requires that you fire every shot with a full press on the trigger. Each of these action styles results in a different feeling trigger, and which one you will like best mostly comes down to personal preference.RevolversRevolvers all started out as single-action systems, but today most revolvers are either the double-action type, or double-action-only with a shrouded hammer that’s hidden inside the frame. DAO revolvers are usually compact. This is to make it easier to carry in a pocket and not snag. A Smith & Wesson Model 638 Bodyguard Airweight Stainless with a shrouded hammer. Single-action revolvers are still available, but they’re usually collectibles or used for hunting or sports shooting. Modern revolvers are either DA/SA, DAO or DA/SA. Safety devices can be active or passive. This means that you must perform an action to disable the safety device. Many types of pistols include an active safety. This is also known as a thumb safety. It can be pushed on or off. Some people don’t like them, while others prefer to have positive control over the firing system. Traditional DA/SA guns have a control lever that acts either as a decocker–which safely lowers a pistol’s hammer when it is loaded–or a securing safety that decocks the pistols and engages a safety device. A CZ P-09 equipped has a decocking safety. You must practice enough to be able deactivate them automatically as you draw. Grip safety, which can be active or passive, is not a bad option. Grip safety, such as the 1911’s, must be depressed before the gun will fire. This is done by holding the pistol with a normal firing grip. Passive safety, such as the Glock triggers, are linked to the trigger system and render the gun ineligible for firing without pulling the trigger. These include firing pin blocks, which is a metal cylinder that blocks firing pins, and the trigger bar system for striker-fired pistols. Modern revolvers have a transfer-bar, which is a tilting bar that sits between firing pin and hammer to prevent slam-fire. The trigger bar does not connect to the sear when a striker-fired pistol rests. The trigger bar connects to the sear at its end of travel when you press the trigger. This allows the striker and firing pin to be released. Striker-fired pistols are more secure than many people believe. However, the trigger can still be pulled if it gets caught on clothing or something else. Handgun sizes are just as important as any other safety feature. They can be tiny or large enough to be considered hand cannons. These classifications are not scientific but will give you an idea of the various sizes. The barrel length is usually 2 inches or less.Colt 1908 Vest pocket. Rock Island Auction Company. Subcompact Pistols Subcompact pistols can be used for concealed carry and are easier to shoot than pocket pistols. The barrel length is usually around 3 inches. They are chambered for at most.380 ACP, if not more. A compact pistol is a pistol that is small enough to be used as a service pistol but still manages to be easy to carry. The barrel length is usually between 3.5 and 4 inches. This includes medium frame revolvers of 3 inches, double-stack compacts such as the Glock 19, and traditional double-action compacts such as the Sig Sauer P229. Full-Size Pistols Although they are not difficult to conceal, they pose the greatest challenges for everyday carry and are easy to shoot well. While they are not difficult to conceal, they present the most difficulties for everyday carry and require the most practice to master. It’s been said more than once that a J-frame snubby revolver is a master’s weapon.Compact pistols are a happy middle ground, but even the light and svelte Glock 19 can be a bit much to have on you all day and can present some challenges concerning concealability.Shoulder holsters are one way of concealing larger handguns, such as this Smith & Wesson in a DeSantis rig.Full-size pistols are the easiest to shoot well and are the easiest for beginners to learn on, but are challenging for daily concealed carry. It takes a lot more practice to get your holster and belt in order to conceal a large gun well. It is a good idea to rent a range to try out your first handgun before you buy. You will find at least one of every major type of handgun available to rent. Rock Island is a great entry-level 1911 because they are known for being far more reliable than you would expect from a budget model. You can have the parts upgraded by a gunsmith for a low price (street prices are often less that $500). Rock Standard FS 1911 Specifics:Caliber :.45 ACPapacity: 8 roundsAction: SAOBarrel length: 5 InchesWeight(Empty),: 2.5 PoundsCompact Semi Auto Striker-FiredGlock 19The Glock 19 is the standard for all striker-fired, polymer-framed pistols. It is small and lightweight enough to technically be classified as a compact. This makes it ideal for concealed carry. There is almost no reason to choose another handgun if you can only have one. Glock 19 Specs:Caliber: 9x19mmCapacity: 15 RoundsAction: Striker-firedBarrel Length: 4.02 InchesWeight (Empty): 23.63 OuncesCompact Semi-Auto DA/SABeretta PX4 Storm CompactThe PX4 Storm Compact is a modern compact double-action/single-action pistol, with a polymer frame for a lighter carry weight. The capacity is 15+1. A rail is available if you wish to mount a light. Overall dimensions are the same as the Glock 19. The PX4 Storm Compact gives you a different option of firing system in a compact service pistol but with modern features like a light rail, polymer frame and better sights.PX4 Storm Compact Specs:Caliber: 9x19mmCapacity: 15 RoundsAction: DA/SABarrel Length: 3.27 InchesWeight (Empty): 27.2 OuncesSubcompact Semi-Auto Striker-FiredSig Sauer P365The Sig P365 is the subcompact/double-stack micro of today. It can hold 10+1 9mm rounds (12+1 with an extended magazine), and is smaller than other subcompact guns which can hold only 7. It is small and compact, with good sights and a decent trigger. The P365 was a revolutionary handgun that changed the world. It is still a very popular pistol today. It’s a small, lightweight, and easy-to-carry gun with a respectable capacity. Sig Sauer P365 Specs – Caliber: 9x19mmCapacity 10 Rounds (Flush fit mag)Action : Striker-firedBarrel length: 3.1 InchesWeight(Empty),: 17.8 OuncesSmith & Wesson 642 The Model 642 revolver is a 5-shot.38 Special compact revolver equipped with a DAO firing mechanism. To make it lightweight, it has a rear sight with a top strap and a front ramp sight, rubber grips, and an aluminum frame. The 642 does not have an external hammer and is therefore ideal for quick draw from a pocket or under clothing. These guns are not fun to shoot and require a lot practice to use effectively. The 642 is not for everyone. However, it has a long history of being a reliable carry gun. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

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