Classic Rifles at Camp Perry This Weekend — GSMM event

July 28th 2023Classic Military Rifles at Camp Perry This Weekend — GSMM eventNow through Sunday, 30th July 2023, classic military weapons will fill the firing line at Camp Perry. The National John C. Garand, Springfield, Vintage and Modern Military Match began on the 26th and will continue through Sunday, July 30th, with only the one-day Springfield M1A Match taking place on Sunday. (See CMP’s Camp Perry 2023 calendar.) Some participants will only shoot one type of rifle, but there’s also a combined 4-Gun GSMM Aggregate. This GSSM Agg includes a series of NRA SR target position shooting matches at the CMP Nationals. The CMP National Matches results page will post the results as they are completed. The annual GSMM is one of Camp Perry’s most popular events, attracting participants from all over the country. Brian Williams was featured in our Daily Bulletin as one of America’s best GSSM shooters. The 4-gun Aggregate includes Garands, 1903 Springfield/1917 Enfields (or similar bolt-action rifles), M1 Carbines, and AR-type rifles for “Modern Military”. Brian has won three consecutive GSMM 4-Gun matches at the CMP National Matches held in Camp Perry — the inaugural 2017 4-Gun Aggregate, plus 2018 and 2019! Below, Brian offers some thoughts on the classic wood-stocked rifles used in GSMM competition.The Classic Wood Guns of CMP 4-Gun CompetitionPerspectives on M1 Garand, M1903A3, M1917, and M1 CarbineBrian explains what to look forQ: What should one look for when acquiring older rifles for CMP 4-Gun Games — M1 Garands, M1903 Springfields, M1917 Enfields, M1 Carbines, and other 20th Century Military Rifles? Brian explains the things to look out forQ: When buying older rifles, what should you look for? M1 Garands, M1903/1903A3, M1917s, M1 Carbines, etc. What is a realistic budget for these firearms. What level of accuracy can be expected? What upgrades are necessary?Brian: There are many surplus military rifles, but they’re getting harder to find. Like everything else, prices are continuing to rise. A few years ago, you could buy a M1 Garand at a price of four or five hundred bucks. On the market today, they are usually double that price. Understand that each rifle is unique and has a unique story. There are no two alike or with the same story. There are fewer and less gunsmiths who specialize in these vintage rifles. The M1 Garand is my favorite of the four centerfire guns that I use in the CMP games. Over 6 million were produced in a short time, and each one has a unique story. That is cool. M1 Garands can be accurate. M1903A3 Springfield – I find the sights on the M1903A3 easier to see than those of the M1903, though both rifles are very accurate. The prices of military rifles have increased dramatically in the current climate, but you can find some gems for less than $1000. Springfield rifles are great because you can get the accuracy you want by simply replacing an 80-year-old barrel. M1917 Enfield – This is the newest rifle in my collection, and it shoots well with just a Criterion barrel. It’s also about 1 MOA accurate with iron sights. These rifles are priced very similarly to the M1903 Springfield. If you do your research and keep an eye out, there are often great deals to find. I prefer to shoot the M1917 over my M1903A3, primarily because the M1917 has a cock-on close bolt that allows for smoother cycling.

M1 Carbine – By 1945, there were more M1 Carbines than Garands. Due to its scarcity, the Carbine is harder to find today. Prices have risen and most M1 Carbines sold for more than $1,000. The M1 Carbine can shoot as long as it is loaded with ammo. Honest. I have heard from countless people that an M1 carbine will not shoot. I can tell you that they do, but it will take some time to get them to shoot where you want.

The M1 Carbine uses the.30 Carbine cartridge, which has a 110gr bullet that travels at about 1990 FPS. The.30-06 Springfield cartridge used in the M1 Garand, on the other hand, is almost three times as powerful as the.30 Carbine.

Tags: Brian Williams M1 Carbine, Camp Perry, GSMM M1917 Springfield, Vintage Rifles, M1903 Springfield

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