Color Bullets to Help Define Long Range Groups on Paper

It can be difficult to tell which bullet holes are from a specific sequence of shots when shooting groups on paper at long distance. If you, for example shot three 5-shot group at 600+ yards, you would end up with 15 bullet holes (assuming there were no misses). At that distance, it would be hard to see the bullet holes (even through a spotting telescope). When you examine the target closely, it is difficult to tell which shots belong to which group. You may have a vague notion, but you can’t be certain without a camera that records the sequence of shots.
Here’s a way to group multiple shots so you can evaluate your shooting and load. The trick is simple: mark your bullets using a Sharpie pen or another felt marking pen. If you’re shooting three 5-shot groups of five, mark five bullets with red, five with a green marker, and five with a blue (or purple) marker. When you inspect the target you can identify group placements based on the colors that appear.

Round Robin: By using colors, you can “Round-Robin”, to evaluate seating depths or neck tension. You can also use other variables, without the shot order (and barrel temperature) affecting group sizes. You might, for example, have three different necktensions marked with different colors on the bullets. Shoot Red, Blue, Green, in that order, for a total of five shots per color.
How to show colors more vividly
Here is a quick trick to make the colors “bleed”, so they are more visible. Bring some Q-tips and alcohol solution to your range kit. Then lightly dab the wet Q-Tips on the paper targets. Here is a front of a paper target before and after alcohol application:

Forum member NewbieShooter says: “Dabbing some alcohol on the bullets holes with Q-Tips will make the color pop… especially on backside.”

You will soon see the colors spread out into the paper. This will clearly mark the shot holes. If you shot a dark target, look at the BACK of the target. You will see the colors against a light background.
Credits: Bullet Tips Photo by Forum Member Dave Way, Target Photos by Forum Member NewbieShooter, Story Tip from Boyd Allen.

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