Combat Handguns Nov/Dec 2022: Standing for Lawful Gun Ownership

Combat Handguns’ Nov/Dec 2022 issue is here to fight lawful gun owners. This issue features Massad Ayoob discussing the recent rise in so-called “red flag” laws. Editor In Chief Linas Ceauskas reveals the truth about how to build your own ghost guns. Barb Melloni also shows off a huge collection of safes, storage systems, and other items for your guns and valuables.

Combat Handguns Nov/Dec 2022 – You Might Be A Terrorist If…

There has never been a time in American history when law-abiding citizens have been subject to such harsh criticism from almost all sides. I am referring to the Second Amendment and the hatred that is directed at those who believe in it.

Project Veritas recently published a leaked FBI document. This document is an excellent example of such demonization. The guide is supposed to assist investigators in determining who might be a Militia Violent Extremist (MVE). If you’re like me, you will be on the terrorist list.

You might be wondering how? What about something so simple as quoting Thomas Jefferson? According to the guideline’s “Common Phrases and References”, MVEs are more likely to say things like “When tyranny is law, rebellion becomes a duty” or “The tree to liberty must be refreshed from the time to time with blood of patriots and dictators.”

Yes, Jefferson would be considered a domestic terrorist suspect by the FBI. But that’s not all. The guideline document also states that people can be “potential” MVEs if the following are done or said: display any Revolutionary War imagery, have a Gadsden Flag, display any Gadsden flag, use any Revolutionary War imagery, say “Molon labe (Come and Take Them), mention Ruby Ridge or Waco’s deadly debacles, call Vicki Weaver a martyr, or make reference to the Second Amendment.

Laws Targeting Law Abiding Gun Owners

It’s not just you and I that the FBI considers “bad guys”.

California and New York are continuing to pass restrictive laws targeting law-abiding gun owners, while leaving out violent criminals.

Despite the controversial New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen ruling, which declared New York’s “good cause” requirement for carry permits unconstitutional. The state now has a new law that requires applicants for carry permits to hand over their social networks accounts for review of “character and conduct.”

These “Facebook investigators”, if they find anything that they consider to be negative about you, will gladly take away your rights.

The governor recently approved California AB2571 (“Firearms: Advertising to Minors”) This law violates both the First Amendment and Second Amendment rights of gun makers and gun owners. It bans the advertising of firearms that California gun-ban monitors believe could appeal to teens under 18.

Federal Government Declares Us Deplorable

Many in Congress think we are deplorable human beings who do not care about the children, men, and women murdered daily by violent criminals. Democrat Rep. David Cicilline, the bill author, said about those who didn’t support the ban on “assault weapon”: “Imagine if you clung to your desire to protect our children or our communities as much as some of my colleagues cling onto their rifles.”

Many people consider lawful gun owners “the enemy” and it’s no surprise that we are concerned about “red-flag laws. We are all being disregarded by so many people that the likelihood of us being turned over to red-flag authorities by gun-hating do-gooders for our beliefs is increasing every day.

Gun owners who are law-abiding should feel secure in knowing that they are on the right side.

Clarence Thomas, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, wrote in the Bruen opinion that the constitutional right to bear arms public for self-defense was not a’second-class right’ subject to a different set of rules than the other Bill of Rights.

In the end, we can’t let the pressure from gun-banners and rogue government agencies curb our interest in–yes, I’m going to say it, Mr. FBI investigator–protecting the Second Amendment. Future generations will depend on us to protect their freedom, and we cannot let them down. –Mark Chesnut

This issue:

EXCLUSIVE! Meet The Springfield’s New Prodigy

Did someone ask for a double stack at an affordable price? Yup. Guess who was there? Mike Detty’s first-look review of Springfield Armory Prodigy is worth a look.


Springfield’s Prodigy sets new standards for 2011s high-end, affordable luxury


Two new micro-compact.380s by Ruger and Sig Sauer are vying for the title of pocket protector king.


This not-so standard Standard Mfg.45 is a reward after a lifetime of sacrifice and hard work


The ultimate P226 is a combination of Zev and Sig Sauer


Take a page out of the shooting sports power couple Leograndis & Turnbull


Ruger’s American Pistol Competition 9mm – feature-rich at a reasonable price


The Girsan MC1911 MC10 Hunter packs maximum punch at a bargain price.


These reliable Taurus revolvers are affordable and easy to use.

All this and more is in Combat Handguns’ Nov/Dec 2022 issue. Get your copy today at

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Personal Defense World’s first article, Combat Handguns Nov/Dec 2022: Stand for Lawful Gun Ownership, appeared first on Personal Defense World.

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