To be reminded about the rapid cultural changes taking place in America, all you have to do is turn on a TV. In the past, protests and riots were only discussed in a history book. Now they are commonplace with political tensions at an all time high. Perhaps it was time for me to rethink how I defend my family. Many concealed carriers now carry a 15-round polymer pistol such as the FN 509 Midsize MRD and Glock 19. This gives us a five- to six-bad-guy gun if our shot placement is near perfect. But what if you’re caught in the middle of peaceful protests? In years past, that might have meant a beater ranch rifle used to dispatch the occasional coyote or other rural pest. But in the last decade, semi-auto rifles have replaced bolt actions. In years past, that could have been a term for a ranch rifle used to kill the occasional coyote or other rural pest. But, the last decade has seen a shift away from bolt actions to semi-auto rifles. It wasn’t unusual to see a rifle rack in a pickup’s back window not long ago. Although theft concerns have made it less common, people still keep a rifle in their car. A rifle bag is a discreet way to conceal it from prying eyes. Tuff Products Sentinel Concepts Elite Revelation II backpack by Tuff Products, Elite Survival Systems Stealth backpack by Vertx and Vertx’s Gamut series backpacks offer new options for keeping a rifle safe from prying eyes. They look just like a regular backpack but they are designed to look like a regular backpack and not raise eyebrows. Tuff’s Elite Revelation II can be opened by removing the concealment panel. This allows easy access to an AR with a 10.5-inch barrel, a LAW folder, and an AR with up a 10.5-inch barrel. Your rifle and the way you want to conceal it in your car will determine your bag choice. Your Car is not a Gun SafeDoes your car need a high-speed bag? The covert bag shines when you get out of your car. The biggest benefit of my covert bag is the ability to discreetly take my rifle inside at night. I discovered how easy it was to bring my overnight bag and my Tuff Products Sentinel concepts CARB bag along on a nine-day road trip. The CARB bag’s appearance resembled a nylon keyboard case, so I was asked several times if I played keyboard. You don’t want to have to worry about a bag that isn’t as good as the one you bought. Quality bags and backpacks are not cheap. You don’t want to have to worry about your firearm being damaged by bags that aren’t made for other purposes. You might need to be careful when you put a magnified scope-equipped rifle in a bag. It wouldn’t be the first time that a quality optic met its demise in a bag that someone thought would protect their several-thousand-dollar scope. The Sentinel Concepts Elite Board Bag by Tuff Products is large enough for concealing any long-gun in plain sight. The Alamo Precision Rifles.308 Win precision rifle fits neatly in the bag. The other pocket holds the necessary equipment for long-range training courses. Tuff Products bags are well-designed, well-built and blend in well with any backpack. Side benefit is that my Tuff Products bag brain happens to be a great friend who spends more time behind the windshield than anyone else I know. Set up a rifle for covert bags. Once you have identified your base rifle, you can now choose the bag that you will use to store your rifle. This means that you need to figure out how to store mags, mag pouches, and slings in your bag. It’s also a good idea to find a place to store eye and ear protection. Bolt-actions can use any number or folding stock chassis. If you have an under-folder AK, you are almost done. Make sure your optics and lights are securely attached to your rifle or AR pistol. Then, strap the bad boy into your bag. The rest of your kit (mags and pouches) should be stuffed into the bag. As much of your kit (mags, pouches, etc.) as possible into the bag. But don’t overpack it. Once you have your bag, practice with it. To get an idea of how long it will take to identify a threat and bring the long-gun into combat, spend some time practicing with the bag. Although a rifle is a great defensive tool, it might not be available at all times. A concealed-carry pistol may be better. 99 percent of Americans won’t need such a setup and would prefer a concealed-carry gun. However, it is not right to criticize someone who keeps a long-gun nearby. I am allowed to carry a rifle on my back under the Second Amendment. I just prefer to do it in such a way that it doesn’t result from a photo of me holding the world’s most cringiest SKS in Chipotle. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

BargainFinder 497: AccurateShooter’s Talks of the Week
March 31st, 2025BargainFinder 497: AccurateShooter’s Talks of the WeekAt the plea of our readers, we provide find” Talks of the Week”. Every Sunday evening or Monday night we offer our