De-Crimp MIL Brass Primer pockets with LEE Ram Swaage Tool

November 16th 2022. Do you ever use military-style brass with prime pockets? The LEE Ram Swage tool is a great tool. This innovative swaging tool is a quick, simple, and effective method to remove the primer pocket crimp from milsurp brass. It is also necessary for reloading brass with crimped prime pockets. This crimp is found on many brands of brass used in military and law enforcement applications. These primer pocket crimps can be found on a variety milsurp brass types, including 9mm Luger, LEO.40 S&W, and.223 Rem (5.56×45), 7.62×51, and.308 Win (7.62×51), as well as older European cartridges such as 6.5×55. This new LEE Ram Swage is a boon if you use a progressive presse. Properly swaged primer pockets will reduce priming problems in a progressive press. Why use milsurp brass It is a great source of cases at a low cost. It is usually strong and lasts for a long time, and it can often be purchased at a fraction of the price of new commercial brass. Lake City 7.62×51 (.308 win) brass is an excellent example.
Note: This tool is only for Boxer-primed boxes. It does not work with Berdan Primers. This tool includes spring-assisted case extracting and an all-steel guide. This ensures your cases are perfectly centered on the push rod. The swage holder can be installed in seconds into any press ram. There are no adjustments necessary. This allows you to swage any size primer pocket without having to swap to a different size shell holder. Five disc springs automatically extract the hardened steel swage punch from the primer pocket. The complete LEE Ram Swage set includes one 7/8-14 threaded swage punch die with both large ram swage holders and small ram swage holders. Product instructions: List/Diagrams: Posts:Tags: Crimped Primer Pocket, LEE Ram Swage, Military Primer Pocket, Milsurp Primer, Swage Primer Pocket

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