I think most gun writers don’t realize how fortunate they are. We’re not special but we have access to experts that the average shooter would love a few minutes to chat with. Some of these people are doing their jobs to help gun writers inform the shooting public. Others are friends. Wilson believes that the 15+1 round SFX9, with its 4-inch barrel, is the best defensive pistol currently offered by Wilson Combat. If I want to talk about defensive handgun applications, I can contact several Gunsite Academy instructors. Bill Wilson, the founder of Wilson Combat is a good friend. He’s a friend I can turn to for expert advice or gun guidance. We’ve hunted, shot, drank beers, and even discussed some people in the industry who aren’t as knowledgeable as they claim to. Wilson is an expert, especially in the field of handguns. I thought it would be cool to ask Wilson some questions about defensive pistols that you could ask him if you got the chance. Understand that Wilson is not what I would consider a bloviator. He will give you a straight answer and an opinion based on his experience. Wilson does not wax on endlessly like a gun journalist to prove that his opinion is correct. Bill Wilson of Wilson Combat.Many people who are interested in carrying a handgun for defensive purposes struggle with the cartridge that it should be chambered in. Wilson: I’m a 9mm guy, mainly for range and self-defense, with the high-performance ammunition available today. I’ve never used the.40 S&W, or 10mm. For years, the best defensive handgun bullets were jacketed hollow points like the Speer Gold Dot and Federal HST. Mono-metal bullets, XP, are becoming more popular. Wilson was asked which he preferred.Wilson said: “Obviously, now that Lehigh Defense is my company, I am a huge fan of the highly-effective Xtreme Defense bullets and Xtreme Penetrator Bullets.” The more I use these bullets, the more impressed with them I am. They do not have the negatives associated with JHP bullets, such as poor performance when fired through heavy clothes and/or barriers, failure to expand occasionally for various reasons, and lack of penetration. Wilson has a lot experience with JHP bullets and mono-metal ones, but he is a big fan of Lehigh Defense bullets. That’s why he purchased the company. There are so many options available today. Most manufacturers offer different styles. Wilson was asked which defensive handgun sights he preferred. You may find it interesting that Wilson didn’t mention the ubiquitous three dot sight. Wilson: Most of my handguns have a dark rear and a bright red fiber-optic front. For a dedicated carry pistol, I also prefer a tritium sight. The current trend is appendix carrying. It is a fast draw, but it can be difficult to draw if you are extremely crouching. It is also dependent on how your body is positioned at the belt. Wilson: I don’t like appendix carrying for various reasons and I am also way too big for it. Bill Wilson is not fat, but he has a little bit more on his belt line than I do. If you were in the Army, like I was, then you were taught to always clean your gun after each use. The Army didn’t teach you to clean a gun every time you use it, but how to field strip and properly clean your weapon. Wilson, who shoots more than most people reading this magazine, was asked how often a handgun for defensive use needs to be cleaned. Wilson: More than I do! You should clean your handgun at least once a week and more often if you live in a dusty area. It is important to keep lubricant on a steel-frame gun, as oils will dry up and/or migrate quickly. Wilson Combat is known for their custom 1911s. They’re my favorite source for custom 1911s. Wilson Combat offers a full-custom 1911 or you can send in your 1911 to be customized. I asked Wilson which option he thought was best and which, of all the 1911s on the market, would be the best to send in for customization.Wilson: These days, with all the high-quality semi-custom and full custom complete pistols available, that’s the best way to go. If you’re looking to build a custom gun, both Colt and Springfield Armory will be good options. I wanted to find out what Wilson thought was the best defensive handgun that his company had. It wasn’t expensive.Wilson : I personally carry a SFX9 (it has a 10 round capacity with a 3.25 inch barrel), but our SFX9 Compact, with its 15 round capacity and 4-inch bar, is our best range/carry model. I can shoot this pistol better than any other pistol I’ve fired. It’s also my primary training gun. The target grids and bullseyes are in MOA. Subscribe to the Gun Digest newsletter and we will send you your print-at home target pack immediately. Enter your email below.

Twin 30BR Score Rifles play Sunday GunDay: Thunder Down Under.
March 16th, 2025 Sunday GunDay: Thunder Down-Under — Twin 30BR Score Rifles This story, from our Gun of the Week Archives, offers a good intro to the 30 BR cartridge,