F-Class Long Range Nationals – Klemm and Basalla Champions

We congratulate Ian Klemm (F-TR, left below) and Matthew Basalla (F-Open, right below) — the 2023 NRA F-Class Long Range National Champions! The NRA F-Class championships were held at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility outside Phoenix, Arizona. The 2023 Long Range F-Class Nationals ran November 2-5, following the Mid-Range F-Class Nationals held October 29 through November 1st. F-Open Long Range Championship Matt Basalla (1594-101X) earned an impressive victory in F-Open, followed by Peter Johns (Second) and Norm Harrold (Third). Matt only dropped just 6 points across the three days, while Peter dropped 7 and Norm 8. Impressively Matt recorded 101 Xs during the match. Mid-Range winner John Masek told us that this was “Crazy good shooting in some tricky conditions”. F-Open Individual Results | F-Open Team Results Team Lapua/Brux/Borden Wins F-Open Team Event It went down to the wire in the F-Open Team Competition. Team Lapua/Brux/Borden finished first with 1593-95X. Team Long Shots was tied on total points with 1593 but took second on X-Count with 93X. Both those teams had shooters with superb 400-24X scores. The top individual performance in the Team match was a 400-29X by Johnny Ingram of Team Bayou Boyz. Conditions at the Long Range Championships

John Masek, 2023 F-0pen Mid-Range Nat’l Champion, told us about the conditions during the Long Range phase of the F-Class Nationals: “Conditions for the Long Range F-Class Nationals were oddly deceiving. We started out Thursday with some mild cross winds that would switch quickly, but if you were patient you could shoot in steady conditions. It was clear that those at the top of the leaderboard had figured that out as there were quite a few shooters who dropped from zero to a just a couple points. Friday was a pretty close repeat of the previous day and if you had figured out the previous day’s conditions you were in the top half, but there were plenty of people who struggled and dropped quite a few points. The final individual day on Sunday started in totally different conditions with a pretty decent head wind that was quickly moving the flags left to right. If you weren’t paying attention, you could easily get blown out to the left or right in the blink of an eye. The final relay was back to a crosswind with some tricky angle changes. Over the three days there was plenty of wind to help push the top shooters up, leaving no doubt that Matt Basalla was top F-Open shooter, and earned his victory.” F-TR Long Range Championship — Ian Klemm Wins Again In the F-TR division, Ian Klemm put in a great performance to secure his fifth National F-TR LR Championship finishing with both high score and top X-Count (1580-82X). Ian has previously won in 2021, 2020, 2018, and 2017. To secure FIVE titles in 7 years is mighty impressive. Certainly it can be argued that his FIVE F-TR Long Range Championships earn Ian the “F-TR GOAT” title (greatest of all time). Keith Trapp finished second (1578-74X) while Oleg Savelyev took third place (1575-72X). F-TR Individual Results | F-TR Team Results Team Vortex Wins F-TR Team Event

As captain of Team Vortex, Ian Klemm also was part of the winning F-TR squad which scored 1588-76X. Team Vortex member Keith Trapp finished with a 400-19X, not dropping a point. He was the only F-TR shooter to have a 400 in team competition. The Bridgeville Long Range F-TR squad took second place with a 1580-61X score.

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