Fiocchi Announces Subsonic Ammo in 5.7x28mm

Owners of suppressed 5.8 firearms can rejoice as Fiocchi just announced new 5.7x28mm subsonic ammunition for their Range Dynamics line. It makes perfect sense with all the new guns on the market that are chambered for this hot round. Many of these firearms come with threaded muzzles, making suppressors an obvious accessory pair. But what about the ammunition? Fiocchi just announced the addition to its Range Dynamics line of 5.7x28mm Subsonic Ammo. It comes in 50-round boxes and features 62-grain FMJ projectiles. The advertised muzzle velocity is 1,050 FPS. This is in comparison to the cartridge’s 40 grain average bullet weight. Fiocchi doesn’t specify the length of a test barrel used for determining the 1,050 FPS muzzle speed, but it is likely that it was not a handgun. It will no longer be subsonic if it is rifle-length. Fiocchi also mentions that the ammo can be used in carbines. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

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