Since its introduction, the CZ P-10 concealed carry pistol has been very popular. The platform’s trigger is already very nice, but many shooters find it difficult to fire. Apex’s CZ P-10 trigger set can make your gun lighter and more responsive to your needs. While it’s nice to have a light trigger pull at the range, not everyone is brave enough for a chambered part in their pants with a hair-trigger. Although it is generally safe to carry an appendix in a good holster and not to discharge it, negligent discharges have been reported. This risk is reduced by a heavier trigger. Apex’s CZ P-10 trigger set can be configured for either your range or belt. The Apex trigger, disconnector, and slide cover plate all need to be installed. This combination of parts reduces CZ P-10’s pull weight from below 4 pounds to a lighter, smoother take-up and cleaner breaking. This configuration will allow shooters to maintain a steady sight picture and grip while firing. The trigger’s reduced overtravel should also help competition shooters who are looking for faster splits. This upgrade should not cause any reliability or light primer strikes because the kit doesn’t use new springs. The CZ P-10 alternative trigger kit is designed for CCW and duty use. The factory CZ disconnector is retained, so the pull weight of the CZ P-10 trigger set can be kept at 5.5 lbs. However, the other Apex parts help to create a more distinct break. This kit is compatible with the latest generation of CZ trigger bars marked as #9. The black version of this trigger can be ordered now. Units will ship August 17th. For competition shooters who like things flashy, a red version will eventually be released as well.For more on Apex, please visit On Triggers And Their UpgradesNEXT STEP: Download Your Free Storm Tactical Printable Target Pack 62 Printable MOA Targets with DOT Drills – Rifle Range in YARDS This impressive target pack from our friends at Storm Tactical contains 62 printable targets for rifle and handgun range use. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be found in MOA. Perfect for long-range shooting! Get free targets
Saturday Movies: Jessie Harrison— Best Lady Pistol Ace on Earth
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