First Look at CZ Shadow 2 Compact

Who doesn’t like the supreme shootability that comes with a racegun? The guns are designed to shoot well but they are too large to carry in a concealed manner. CZ Shadow 2 Compact (optics ready) is a smaller, lighter version of the CZ Shadow 2 OR model. The CZ Shadow 2 Compact is still a DA/SA-9mm, but it has a 4-inch barrel instead of a 4.89 inch barrel, a shorter handle that can hold 15-round magazines instead of 17-round mags, and a 7075 aluminium frame in place of a steel frame. This last change reduces the weight of the pistol by 16 ounces. Its total weight unloaded is now 30 ounces instead of 46.5 ounces in the standard version. The CZ Shadow 2 Compact is still a hefty gun, but it’s manageable. As mentioned, the CZ Shadow 2 Compact has an optics-ready slides and uses the same mounting plate as the full-size version. The pistol also comes with a fiber optic front sight for those who prefer them. The ambidextrous manual release and swappable magazines are also low-profile features that left-handed shooters will appreciate. The target grids and bullseyes are measured in MOA. Subscribe to the Gun Digest newsletter and we will send you your print-at home target pack immediately. Enter your email below.

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