Florida has 2.5 million permit holders — 14% of adult Floridians

May 12, 2022Florida has 2.5 Million permit holders — 14% of adult Floridians. Story based on NRA-ILA Report
According to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida now has more than 2.5 million firearms permit holders as of April 30, 2022. This number is more than twice the 2012 total. It has steadily increased each year. This permits represent 11% of Florida’s 22million residents and 14% all Floridians over 18. This is after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last week announced that he will sign Constitutional Carry legislation while he’s Governor. Twenty-five states have now adopted permitless or “Constitutional Carry.” This year, Constitutional Carry laws were enacted in four states, including Florida’s neighboring states Georgia and Alabama. Officially, half the 50 states recognize law-abiding adults the right to carry concealed firearms without having to first obtain permission from the government and pay a tax. This allows citizens to defend themselves without delay and without the need for government approval. The NRA-ILA will continue to keep supporters and members informed about this and other Second Amendment issues in Florida. For more information, visit www.NRAILA.org. Paneo Productions has created a series of instructional videos for handgun owners. The Handgun 101 video series, co-sponsored by Federal and Ruger, covers handgun and ammunition nomenclature as well as basic shooting skills and key considerations for concealed carrying. The series consists of three parts: 1. Introduction to Handguns; 2. A Concealed Carry Permit and 3. Introduction to Concealed Carry. These videos offer valuable information about gun handling and legal issues. These videos can be found on the Panteao website, along with other videos like On the Range With Larry Vickers.

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