For better scores and accuracy, improve your trigger technique

March 18, 2022. Improve Your Trigger Technique to Get Better Scores and Accuracy. Do you sometimes get totally unexplained flyers or have a shot drop at 6 O’Clock, just below your point-of-aimed? Poor or inconsistent trigger technique could be the cause. Many gun enthusiasts begin with pistols. They may have some bad habits from handguns that were 4 to 6 pounds in weight. To improve your rifle results, you may need to “re-learn” your trigger techniques. Shooting Sports USA has a great article that provides many helpful tips. The article includes many illustrations, including the one above. Another illustration shows the differences between different types of trigger shoes (straight and curved), and explains how each one makes a difference. “With a lightly curved trigger, the shooter can touch the trigger high or low depending on their preference. Higher contact will increase resistance. READ THE ARTICLE RIGHT HERE. The article also suggests that you check your trigger frequently to ensure it is working properly. “Just like any other moving component, the trigger can become worn. Even small wear can cause major problems in such a precise mechanism.
The ergonomics of Eliseo Tubegun permit a smooth trigger pull. 1. Adjust your triggers to make sure the pull weight is appropriate for the discipline. A hunting rifle will not require a very light trigger pull. High Power rifles may require a two-stage pull. A Benchrest rifle may require a very light trigger. 2. You can experiment with different combinations of First and Second Stage if you have a trigger that has two stages. 3. You can have a friend observe you as you pull the trigger. This can expose a variety flaws. 4. Dry-firing is a good way to find out if trigger technique flaws are causing gun movement. 5. Try pulling the trigger with your middle fingers. The alignment of your middle finger and the tendons in the hand is more straighter ergonomically. This exercise can help you identify alignment problems with your index finger. 6. When only the best will do… sells German-made Bix’N Andy triggers. Bix’N Andy triggers come in single-stage or two-stage versions. They are precise, repeatable, and smooth. The unique, friction-reducing internal roller ball system allows for extremely low reset forces, resulting in a very precise let-off. Bix’N Andy triggers are available with a variety trigger shoes to suit shooter preferences.

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