GAP Grind 2022 – Shooting USA TV Today

November 16th, 2022GAP Grind 20,22 on Shooting USA TV. This week Shooting USA TV highlights the 2022 GAP Grind. It is the largest PRS Pro-Am Tactical Match with almost 400 competitors. The 10th Annual GA Precision/Elite Tactical GAP Grind PRO–AM was held September 30 – October 2, 2022 at K&M Shooting Complex, Tennessee. Nearly 400 amateur and professional shooters came from all over the USA and other countries to participate in the GAP Grind, which is the most popular PRS match. The GAP Grind is the premier PRO-AM precision rifle match, with both individual and team competition. It has been a great way to introduce thousands of new shooters into the sport since its inception. It was a great honor to witness the GAP Grind celebrate its 10th anniversary. You can stream the show for $0.99 each episode if you are unable to attend the regular broadcast. Great Attendance at the 10th Annual GAP Grind
The largest PRS match of the year attracted hundreds of people and saw more than 80,000 rounds fired over three days. The GAP Grind had competition stages as well as a vendor area, live entertainment, and music. Bushnell awarded $5,000 to the top finishers and added more than $5,000 worth of product to their prize table. Trophies were given to the top five teams, top 5 professionals and top 5 amateurs.

GAP Grind is a “high-tempo” match that has minimal down-time. Over 20+ stages, competitors will fire 200+ shots on a variety moving, reactive, and steel targets up to 1,200 yards. The size and difficulty of the targets will vary depending on the shooter’s position, distance and time. Most stages include “stressors” — i.e. There are time limits and movements that must be made. GAP Grind Pro Am Format — Seasoned Shooters Support Newcomers

Nearly 400 competitors attend the GAP Grind each year, half of them being experienced shooters and half being newcomers to the sport. Attracting new shooters is key to the growth of shooting sports. Pro-Am format seems to be the best way to attract “new blood”. GAP Grind HardwareYou will find the most recent PRS hardware. Most of the top competitors have “stepped down”, moving from the 6.5/6mm Creedmoor to smaller, more efficient 6mm Dashers, 6BRA, 6GT and other 6mm cartridges over the past few seasons. The Dasher is more accurate than the 6.5 Creedmoor and has less recoil. Many competitors will switch to the Zeiss FFP S3 and S5 scopes by 2022.

Similar Posts:Tags for G.A. Precision, GAP Grind K&M Shooting Complex NRL, PRS Pro-Am Shooting USA TV, Tactical TV

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