READ FREE — The Shooting Industry is now available digitally for FREE. Archive access is available for free from December 2007 to 14 years ago. Shooting Industry magazine has archives that go back 14 years to December 2007. This monthly magazine is intended for firearm/outdoor gear dealers and industry professionals. However, it also contains valuable information for gun owners. Shooting Industry is a monthly journal that covers current gun laws and sales trends. Every issue features NEW PRODUCTS. Here’s an example: Check out the October New Product Feature for a cool CZ 457 LRP. Get Digital Shooting Industry Magazines FREE for the past 13 years
Access to all 14 years of Shooting Industry back issues and all 2021 issues can be accessed for free. Click HERE to view the current issue and all issues from the previous three years: 2018, 2019 and 2020. Important — You must first launch a digital edition of the most recent issue to access older issues. This will give you full access to the entire 14-year archive. These are the links to the most recent issues: October 2021 and September 2021. Click on each cover to view the entire issue for free: October 2021
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Notable New Handguns
Shotguns — Defense/Sport
September 2021: Women’s Hunting Apparel
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Vintage Firearm Market August 2021
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Long guns for home defense
Empowering female hunters
Trends in Used-Gun Sale How to Access Magazine Archives back to December 2007
After you have launched the digital issue of a current issue, you will be able to access the 14-year-old Shooting Industry back issues using the ARCHIVE Button. Click on the MENU icon (3 horizontal lines). Next, click on the ARCHIVE link. A list of issues will appear on the right after you click “Archive”. Scroll down to choose any issue between July 2021 and December 2007. Note: The index is divided. Some of the most recent Shooting Illustrated issues can be found at the bottom of the Archive while others can be found at the top or middle. Keep looking for “SIxxxx”.